Days Of Our Lives Weekly Scoop November 30 to December 4: Kayla Gives Steve An Ultimatum – Chloe’s Back In Salem – Charlie Is Jealous Of Ben

Days Of Our Lives Scoop: Kayla Brady Gives Steve Johnson An Ultimatum

Days Of Our Lives Scoop: Kayla Brady Gives Steve Johnson An Ultimatum

The Days Of Our Lives (DOOL) scoop for the week of November 30 hints some major angst coming Kayla Brady (Mary Beth Evans) and Steve Johnson’s (Stephen Nichols) way.

Also coming up this week, Eli Grant (Lamon Archey) will barge in and Chloe Lane (Nadia Bjorlin) will return to Salem. Plus, Charlie Dale (Mike Manning) will get jealous when he sees Claire Brady (Isabel Durant) hugging Ben Weston (Robert Scott Wilson)

Spoilers tease Eli will insert his way into Lani Price’s (Sal Stowers) doctor’s appointment and will refuse to leave. “Of course I’m going to be your Lamaze coach,” Eli tells Lani in the DOOL weekly preview. “Like hell you are,” she replies.

Days Of Our Lives Scoop – Xander Cook Visits Kristin DiMera At Statesville

Over with Chloe, who’ll have a conversation with Brady Black (Eric Martsolf) in which he asks her if she has a man in her life. She’ll say no and then minutes later she’ll run into Philip Kiriakis (Jay Kenneth Johnson) in Horton Square. Philip needs a friend to lean on these days so Chloe’s return should provide a welcome relief for the Kiriakis heir.

Speaking of Philip, other spoilers tease Xander Cook (Paul Telfer) will pay Kristen DiMera (Stacy Haiduk) a visit at Statesville. He wants the dirty details on his rival but there’s no way Kristen’s going to help him out. But Sarah Horton (Linsey Godfrey) will come up with a scheme to help them take Philip down. Will it work?

Meanwhile, Charlie’s nose will be bent out of shape when Claire tells him Ben gave her the necklace she’s wearing. Then she’ll be out to dinner with Charlie and will encounter Ben and give him a big hug. A green-eyed Charlie will look up at the hug with his mouth hanging open.

Days Of Our Lives Scoop – Kayla Brady Has Had Enough Of Tripp Dalton

Finally, as if Patch and Kayla haven’t been through enough, now Tripp Dalton (Lucas Adams) threatens to tear them apart. Kayla believed from the get-go that it was Tripp who raped Allie Horton (Lindsay Arnold). When the DNA test on baby Charlie came back positive, that sealed the deal for her.

Now she wants to kick Tripp out of their house. “I think it’s time for Tripp to move out,” she’ll tell Patch. When he refuses to go along with her plans, she’ll give him an ultimatum – he can choose her or he can choose his son. What is Steve going to do?

At any rate, it looks like fans will be in store for another great week. Keep reading The Soap Scoop for more Days Of Our Lives spoilers and news. And make sure you join our free Facebook Group.

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4 Thoughts to “Days Of Our Lives Weekly Scoop November 30 to December 4: Kayla Gives Steve An Ultimatum – Chloe’s Back In Salem – Charlie Is Jealous Of Ben”

  1. LLS

    He better tell her to f off he chooses his son your child comes first before a woman or a man. Kayla can go to hell knowing Steve’s childhood this right here her saying Tripp or me is asking him to orphan his son like he was abandoned as a child Kayla don’t deserve Steve and i am a huge S&K fan.

    1. Louie Y

      This is where this damn writer loses me on this show…Kayla and Steve are both being written too OOC for this stupid made up rape story. Kayla was closer to Tripp & Steve told Tripp about Ava awhile’s lazy writing, writers are reversing the Joey situation from 2017.

      1. Anonymous

        Yes i am beyond annoyed that they have completely forgot that Kayla found out that Tripp don’t condone rape when they first meet in those first few episodes so why would he rape allie the writers forget those scenes to make this plot driven storyline work which it doesn’t. The sad thing is it is the same HW that forgot his own story. Kayla can believe both Tripp and allie without offending anyone. Has made me dislike Kayla with this storyline on top of the dislike that came with the whole Steve, Kayla, Justin storyline and how Kayla treated Steve when he was broken. They just need a new Head Writer that will undo alot of RC bad stories like they never existed. You are very right lazy writing.

      2. LLS

        Anonymous is me

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