Bold And The Beautiful Daily Scoop Tuesday, April 27: Eric Leans On Donna – Hope Sets Some Ground Rules For Liam

Bold And The Beautiful Scoop: Eric Forrester Confides In Donna Logan

Bold And The Beautiful Scoop: Eric Forrester Confides In Donna Logan

The Bold And The Beautiful (B&B) scoop for Tuesday, April 27 suggests Eric Forrester (John McCook) will lean on Donna Logan (Jennifer Gareis).

In addition, Hope Spencer (Annika Noelle) and Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) will make a major decision about their marriage.

Spoilers tease Lope will celebrate their reunion. On Friday, Hope asked Liam to come home. She feels as though he’s suffered enough for his stupid mistake. However, that doesn’t mean she’s going to let him off scot-free either.

Bold And The Beautiful Scoop – Hope Spencer Wants Him To Be Honest With Her

Hope will set some ground rules with her husband. The main one being she wants no more secrets between them. After all, it was Liam’s secret about sleeping with Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) that broke them up in the first place.

“You can be open and honest with me,” she tells Liam in the B&B weekly promo. “And I need that from you.” Of course, Liam will agree to whatever terms she sets out. But although the guilt over what he did to Vinny Walker (Joe LoCicero) is eating away at him, he knows this is one transgression he cannot divulge to his wife.

Later, he’ll show up at Spencer Publications and tell his dad his happy news. Liam will also admit he can’t let Hope become suspicious. Bill Spencer (Don Diamont) will agree with him. “You can’t crack,” he’ll warn his son.

Bold And The Beautiful Scoop – Will Donna Logan Make A Play For Eric Forrester?

Meanwhile, Eric will admit to Donna that his marriage to Quinn Forrester (Rena Sofer) is falling apart. He just can’t get past what she did to his son’s marriage. Eric forgave his wife and took her back into his home but not into his bed.

A concerned Donna will do her best to sympathize with her ex. But will she also see it as a golden opportunity and make a play for her Honey Bear?

It looks like a great episode is coming up! Keep reading The Soap Scoop for more updates on the Bold And The Beautiful, as well as other spoilers and news. And make sure you join our free Facebook Group.

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