Young And The Restless Scoop January 19: Victoria Is Overjoyed When Claire Embraces Her – Tucker Stands By His Story – Nikki Worries About Victor’s Reaction

Young And The Restless: Claire hugs Victoria

Young And The Restless: Claire hugs Victoria

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Friday, January 19 reveals Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) will make some headway with Claire Grace (Hayley Erin).

Also coming up, Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) will tell Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) she has commitment problems. Plus Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) will ask Cole Howard (J. Eddie Peck) about his intentions. And Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) will worry how Victor might react if Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) became her sponsor.

Y&R spoilers tease Ashley will stare at a desk and won’t even hear her brother saying hello. He’ll ask if she was thinking about Tucker. “There is a way you can shut him down,” Jack will advise. “Stay away from him.” Ashley will say what Tucker did to her was bad but now he’s trying to get her to doubt her sanity.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Tucker Tells Ashley He’s Not A Monster

So, she’ll decide to confront him, yet again. Ashley will stop Tucker as he walks upstairs to his suite. She’ll proceed to drag him down to the Jazz Club and tell him he needs to admit to what he did to her in Paris. “I realize I am far from being a perfect man but why the need for this fiction that makes me out to be some kind of monster?” he’ll reply. Then he’ll tell her she has a problem with commitment.

Y&R Scoop: Tucker talks to Ashley

“I think when things get a little too real you figure a way out,” Tucker will continue. “And what we had was real.” He’ll say she had to cover it up by convincing herself it was all his fault. “This is why you’ve never been able to maintain a relationship.” Tucker will say she could have an incredible life, but it’ll always be out of reach because she’ll never let herself have it.

Meanwhile, Victor will summon Cole to the ranch. He’ll say Cole and Victoria’s daughter being alive changes everything. “So, I think steps need to be taken.” But Cole will tell him it’s a little too soon to be taking steps. “What are your intentions in regard to Claire?” Victor will ask. Cole will say he wants to make sure she gets the help she needs. “Whatever happens, I plan to be a part of my daughter’s life.”

At Newman Media, Lauren Fenmore (Tracey E. Bregman) will arrive at Nikki’s office. “I know you must feel that I betrayed you but I stand by my reasons as to why I did it,” Lauren will tell her. Nikki will say she’s furious, but not with Lauren, with herself. Lauren will tell Nikki now that her sponsor is drinking again, that’s why she thought of Jack, who knows her almost as well as Victor does.

Young And The Restless Scoop – May Get Their Daughter Back

“Turning to Jack might just compound my issues and lead to another, Victor,” Nikki will reply. “If he knew that I turned to Jack for support…” Then Victor will walk in and say hello. He and Nikki will head to Society for lunch and they’ll discuss Victoria and Cole. But Nikki will say Victoria is focusing on Claire. “So, don’t worry that they’re suddenly going to fall in love again after all these years.”

Y&R Scoop: Cole smiles at Victoria

At the hospital, Claire will have a nightmare about her Aunt Jordan (Colleen Zenk). “You can’t escape, I am burned in your soul forever,” Jordan will say to her. She’ll gasp as she wakes up and will see Victoria standing there. “You’re not alone,” Victoria will tell her. But Claire will say she knows the worst is behind her but there’s so much to do and it scares her. She will also wonder what happens to her once she’s released.

“When you get out of here then we’ll just take it slowly,” Victoria will reply. Claire will ask about Cole and Victoria will say he’s a really good man. “We never got the chance to be the parents that we wanted to be to you, maybe we can do that now.” And she’ll encourage her to start thinking about when and not if she’s going to recover and get out of there. Then Victoria will tell her daughter she can lean on her and Claire will rush into her arms and embrace her. Victoria will ask if this means she and Cole can come visit her and Claire will shake her head yes.

Finally, Victoria will head to Crimson Lights and tell Cole that Claire can now see a path forward. “She hugged me, can you believe it?” she’ll continue. “Holding our daughter in my arms I could just feel the 20 plus years of absence and longing.” She’ll say that for the first time she truly feels they’re going to get their daughter back. But will Claire continue to make progress?

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