Young And The Restless Scoop June 4: Victor Orders Cole To Stay Away From Victoria – Summer Admits She’s Jealous Of Claire – Alan’s Twin Is A Sociopath

Young And The Restless: Victor issues an ultimatum to Cole

Young And The Restless: Victor issues an ultimatum to Cole

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Tuesday, June 4 reveals Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) will punish Cole Howard (J. Eddie Peck) for his betrayal.

Also coming up, Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins) will make a confession to Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) and Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland). Plus, Summer Newman (Allison Lanier) will lose it when she finds out Jordan (Colleen Zenk) is alive. And Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will stick up for Claire Grace (Hayley Erin).

Y&R spoilers tease Ashley will tell Alan she’s sure of what she remembers. “Ashley I don’t think you’re making it up,” he’ll reply. “It just didn’t happen with me.” But Ashley won’t understand. “I believe you spent the evening with my brother,” he’ll add.

They’ll return to Ashley’s apartment and Alan will say his twin, Martin, is a sociopath. Alan will tell Ashley and Traci his brother was on various medications. But when he was off his meds he would become belligerent and filled with rage.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Ashley Is Alarmed By What Alan Tells Her

Alan will also admit he hired Martin to transcribe some of his sessions. But he didn’t foresee what would happen. Martin thought Alan should cure him on the spot and he became angry and violent. Then Alan will say he hasn’t seen him in two years. To top it all off, he’ll also admit the week he was in Florence, he forgot his phone at home. So, when Ashley called Alan, Martin must have answered his phone and then met her at the bar.

Y&R Scoop: Ashley talks to Alan and Traci

At the Abbott estate, Claire will get ready to head out. But before she does, Kyle will tell Summer there’s something she needs to know. “Jordan is alive,” he’ll say. However, he’ll add that she’s at a maximum security facility. So, Summer will turn to Claire. “You knew about this didn’t you?” she’ll ask Claire. And Claire will admit she did.

Kyle will explain that Victor wanted to inform the family. So he’ll tell Claire she can get going and he’ll see her tomorrow. “One day, one day on the job and she’s already keeping secrets,” a furious Summer will say to Kyle. “This changes everything! Her aunt, our son’s kidnapper, is still alive!”

But Kyle will say she can’t blame Claire for any of it. Summer will say she’s sick of him telling her how to feel. “Our son was kidnapped and that person’s two most recent targets are now hanging out every day.” Summer will add they should rethink their decision. “We’re not firing her!” Kyle will reply.

Summer will storm off and head to the park to meet with Chance Chancellor (Conner Floyd). He’ll say he talked to his sources and Jordan’s in a maximum security. Summer will say Claire showed up for her first day and didn’t say a word about Jordan. “What?” Chance will reply.

So, Chance will ask if there’s a reason to worry about Harrison Locke (Redding Munsell). But Summer will say Claire seems genuine. However, she feels like she was guilted into hiring her. “Whatever reservations I have, it is impossible to deny how much Claire means to Harrison,” Summer will add.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Summer Confides Her Woes To Chance

Then she’ll admit she’s jealous. She’ll say Harrison was practically doing cartwheels when Claire arrived. “I’m mom, I’m the one who has to make him eat his vegetables,” Summer will tell Chance. “Claire is all new and exciting.”

As for Kyle, he’ll head to Society and run into Mariah Copeland (Camryn Grimes) and Tessa Porter (Cait Fairbanks). They’ll ask how Harrison’s doing and Kyle will say he’s had nightmares but he’s getting better every day. Then he’ll show them a photo of Harrison and say it was taken by Claire.

“Claire and Harrison, they’re best buds, she’s even his nanny.” Mariah will be surprised and as Kyle talks about how charming and inspiring Claire is, she’ll comment that Harrison isn’t the only one who thinks she’s special.

At the tack house, Claire will arrive home and Cole will show up. Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) will say Summer has probably noticed her bond with Harrison and is lightening up a bit. But Claire will say Summer still seems to have her doubts. Cole will say he’s sure Summer will come around eventually. Then Cole will get a message from Victor. “Meet me at the main house now.”

Finally, Cole will arrive at the ranch to face Victor. “So Cole, I want to talk to you about your betrayal,” The Mustache will say. “Or did you think I’d forgotten?” Then he’ll accuse him of going behind his back. “You were about to free Jordan.” Cole will say he and Michael Baldwin (Christian Le Blanc) were only trying to help.

But Victor will say he fired Michael. “Well, you can’t fire me,” Cole will reply. And Victor will admit he can’t. But he can keep him away from his family. “And stay the hell away from my daughter.”

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