Young And The Restless Scoop May 15: Tucker Offers To Help Devon Get Rid Of Billy – Audra Counsels Sally – Ashley’s Alter Has Murder On Her Mind

Young And The Restless: Tucker offers to do Devon's dirty work

Young And The Restless: Tucker offers to do Devon's dirty work

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Wednesday, May 15 reveals Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) will tell Devon Winters (Bryton James) he’ll do his dirty work for him.

Also coming up, Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) will find out Billy Abbott’s (Jason Thompson) on the road. Plus, Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) will get advice from Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver). And Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins) will see several different sides to Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson).

Y&R spoilers tease Alan will tell Ashley that sharing a kiss isn’t a good idea and would be unfair to her.  Ashley will ask if it’s because he thinks she’s crazy. But Alan will make up the excuse that she’s in Genoa City and he lives in Paris. “You’re here because you want to psychoanalyze me, just admit it Alan,” she’ll reply. Then she’ll storm off.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Ashley Says It’s Time For Tucker To Die

Ashley will return home and the voices in her head will chatter away, out loud. Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) will walk in and ask her sister who she was talking to. “Myself,” she’ll reply. “Is that a crime?” Traci will be taken aback and tell Ashley all anyone in the family wants is what’s best for her.

Y&R Scoop: Ashley, surrounded by flowers at Chancellor Park

Then Alan will show up and as he’s talking, the voices will return and Ms. Abbott will take over from Belle. “I don’t want to hear this,” she’ll say, putting her hands to her head. He’ll ask if she’s all right. “Of course I’m all right,” Ashley will tell him. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

She’ll tell Alan she doesn’t need to be rescued and she’ll leave. Traci will walk back in and Alan will tell her he just saw several different Ashley’s. “These identities are all a part of Ashley.” He’ll tell Traci they’re protecting her and they need to get Ashley to agree to get the help that she needs.

As for Ashley, she will head to the park to decompress. But the voices in her head won’t let up. “Stay in your lanes I’ve got work to do!” Ms. Abbott will shout at them. “It’s time for Tucker McCall to die.”

Meanwhile, Lily will be worried that no one has heard from Billy. Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) will walk into her office and Lily will say she spoke to Jill Abbott (Jess Walton). “Everything that Billy said was legit,” she’ll add. “What terrifies me is that Billy Abbott has just been handed the keys to the kingdom and apparently he’s blowing us off.”

So, Nate will ask if Billy gave her any idea of what he wanted to do. Then she’ll get a text. “It’s from Billy,” Lily will say. “And it’s not good news.” He’ll be on the road, visiting various company offices. “He’s using this trip to gather allies,” Lily will say.

At the GCAC, Audra will agree to give Tucker and Devon some time, she’ll say she needs to pack for their trip anyway. When the father and son sit down, Devon will ask if Tucker will be away for a long time. “Would it bother you at all if I left town for good?” Tucker will reply. Devon will say now is not the time to test him.

Young And The Restless Scoop – She’s Always Known Who She Is

So, Tucker will ask what’s on his mind. “I wanna know what your original plan was with Mamie to get Jill out of Chancellor-Winters,” his son will reply. Tucker will smile and wonder if Devon wants to pull off something similar. “Billy, you want him out, don’t ya?” he’ll ask.

Y&R Scoop: Sally smiles at Audra

Devon will admit he does. But all he wants is any leverage Tucker may have against Jill. Not surprisingly, Tucker say he had no specific plan. “I’m sorry that I can’t be of more help to you in this situation.” Devon will say it’s fine, he’ll just have to come up with a different angle. “Maybe I have one,” Tucker will reply. “Let me take care of Billy.”

He’ll add he has way more experience than Devon does. “This is not gonna be a quick fix type of thing.” Devon will ask what his plan would be. “You’re gonna do all the dirty work and I’m gonna keep my hands clean?” Tucker will say Devon could make a big show of support for Billy, while Tucker undermines him. But Devon will turn him down.

Upstairs, Sally will come to Audra’s door, looking for counsel. She’ll admit her start-up is sinking and she’s afraid they’re in a hole they can’t dig out of. So, they’re thinking of going back to fashion. “It all comes down to what your heart tells you to do,” Audra will say. Sally will say she’s always known who she is and maybe she just needs to stick to it and reclaim it.

Finally, after Sally heads out, Tucker will arrive in Audra’s room. She’ll ask him what Devon wanted and he’ll say he wanted a favor. “If I can succeed at getting Billy Abbott out at Chancellor-Winters,” Tucker will lie. “Devon says he’s willing to give me another chance as a father.”

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