Young And The Restless Scoop Wednesday, March 9: Jack’s Grief Hits Him Hard – Devon Reconsiders Lily’s Idea – Billy Asks Traci For Advice

Young And The Restless Scoop: Jack Abbott Gets Emotional As He Talks To Phyllis Summers About His Son

Young And The Restless Scoop: Jack Abbott Gets Emotional As He Talks To Phyllis Summers About His Son

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Wednesday, March 9 suggests Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) will grieve the loss of his son.

Also coming up, Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) will ask Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) for advice and Devon Hamilton (Bryton James) will reconsider Lily Winters’ (Christel Khalil) idea. Plus, Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) will offer to do more research.

Y&R spoilers tease Lily will tell Billy she’s going over to Devon’s to discuss her merger idea. He’ll say he thinks pressuring Devon right now isn’t a good idea. He hopes Devon will come around but he’ll tell Lily she shouldn’t bring it up. Lily will question if he’s in favor of it himself. Billy will say of course he is, he loves it and hopes it works out.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Traci Tells Billy To Open Up To Lily

At Devon’s place, Dominic won’t stop crying. Lily will suggest he call the doctor. Devon will agree and call Dr. Alston (Tish Daniels). She’ll tell him it’s a good sign and could mean Dominic is getting his energy back. Then Devon will bring up Lily’s merger idea. He’ll tell her he had a dream about Neil Winters (the late Kristoff St. John) and now he’s reconsidering. “I’m not against it,” he’ll tell his sister. “I do however think we should focus on this podcast project and see how it goes.”

Young And The Restless Scoop: Traci Abbott Chats With Billy Abbott

Meanwhile, Billy will arrive on Traci’s doorstep. She’ll tell him she spoke with Phyllis, who filled her in on how Jack is doing. Then Billy will tell his sister he’s been waking up in the middle of the night with thoughts running through his head. So, he decided to do a podcast. “I built a makeshift recording studio in my apartment and it was bad,” he’ll say. “It was really quite horrendous.” Traci will chuckle and suggest he meditate to try and get his thoughts together.

Billy will then tell her about Lily’s merger idea and his concerns about it. He hasn’t expressed them to Lily and Traci will encourage him to do so. Later, Billy and Lily will return to their apartment and he’ll tell his girlfriend he feels guilty because he wasn’t completely honest with her about the merger. If the merger actually takes place, he wonders how he would fit in. Lily will tell him that’s a valid concern.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Phyllis Volunteers To Find Out More

Finally, Jack will look through the box of Keemo’s letters again at his hotel. But he’ll feel restless and will return to the house. He’ll think he hears someone outside. Jack will look out the window and open the door, but no one’s there. A car will pull up and it’s Phyllis. They’ll talk about the mysterious person sending the texts and Phyllis will volunteer to find out more. He’ll tell her he’s grateful to her. If it wasn’t for Phyllis, he never would have found the letters from his son.

But then his grief over the loss of Keemo will hit him hard. “He was one short plane ride away from an extended family in Genoa City, and I didn’t have a clue,” Jack will say to Phyllis, choking back tears. “Days, weeks, years go by and I didn’t know him. Now I’ll never know. My own son.”

It looks like a great episode is coming up! Keep reading The Soap Scoop for Young And The Restless spoilers and news. And make sure you join our free Facebook Group or leave us a reply in our comments section. But if you miss an episode, don’t fret. You can watch The Young And The Restless online at

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