Young And The Restless Scoop April 10: Jack Tells Ashley She’s Consumed By Hatred Just Like Phyllis Was – Summer Snaps At Kyle

Young And The Restless: Jack and Ashley shout at each other

Young And The Restless: Jack and Ashley shout at each other

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Monday, April 10 reveals Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) and Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) will get into another shouting match.

Also coming up, Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will worry about Summer Newman (Allison Lanier). Plus, Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) will check on his brother. And Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) will ask Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters) how she feels.

Y&R spoilers tease Tucker will approach Diane in the GCAC lobby. He’ll point out most people have conflicting feelings about Phyllis Summers’ (Michelle Stafford) death. “But not you,” he’ll say. Then he’ll ask if she’s shed a single tear over Phyllis. “Don’t be perverse,” she’ll tell him. Diane will say she’s sad for those who loved Phyllis.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Kyle Confides In Diane About Summer

Meanwhile, Kyle will watch Summer make arrangements for her mom’s memorial. He’ll offer to help, but she’ll snap at him. Planning it is her way of apologizing to Phyllis for how she treated her.  “The way your mom’s life ended was not your fault,” Kyle will tell her. She’ll bring up Diane and tell him he still has blinders on when it comes to his mother. But when Kyle suggests Summer talk to someone about her grief, maybe Sharon Rosales (Sharon Case), she’ll storm off.

Young And The Restless: Diane and Kyle chat at Crimson Lights

Then Diane will arrive. Kyle will look relieved and he’ll stand up and embrace her. He’ll tell his mom he wants to help his wife, but she won’t let him in. “She’s shutting me out like I’m a stranger,” he’ll say. Diane will assume Summer still blames her. But she’ll say his wife is bound to be angry because she’s an easy target.

At the Abbott estate, Ashley will have it out with Jack. “You brought Diane into our company and then into our home,” Ashley will say to Jack. “And now you want to make her a member of our family. When is the damage she’s caused to us enough?” Then she’ll tell him she’s worried he’ll face the same consequences that Phyllis did.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Billy Says There Are Rumors

“Is it really just a coincidence?” Ashley will ask Jack. “You announce your engagement to Diane and Phyllis just collapses and dies?” Jack will point out that Phyllis spent the last few months of her life spewing hate and vengeance. And now Ashley is doing the exact same thing that led to the death of her co-conspirator.

But Ashley will tell her brother she’s trying to protect him. He’ll shout that he doesn’t need her protection. “You do!” she’ll respond. “This is what love is. I’m going to keep fighting for you Jack, because you’re too blind to fight for yourself.”

Finally, Billy will walk in as Ashley leaves. He’ll tell Jack there have been some comments that maybe Diane was involved in Phyllis’ death. Jack will ask his brother if he feels the same way and he’ll say no. He just wanted to warn him there were rumors out there. Then Billy will ask Jack if his feelings for Diane have changed. “I am going to marry Diane Jenkins and protect her from whatever the hell Stark has planned,” an emotional Jack will reply.

It looks like a great episode is coming up! Keep reading The Soap Scoop for Young And The Restless spoilers and news. And make sure you join our free Facebook Group or leave us a reply in our comments section. But if you miss an episode, don’t fret. You can watch The Young And The Restless online at

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One Thought to “Young And The Restless Scoop April 10: Jack Tells Ashley She’s Consumed By Hatred Just Like Phyllis Was – Summer Snaps At Kyle”

  1. Anonymous

    I think there going to drag this story till we get so board that alot of people will stop watching and take a brake …..why not have Phillis wonder around near the were the accident with ambulances and that way she can play who I am so her kids can blame every one else…and showed how much she is loved by her friends & family maybe even Nick may say to Phillis Marry me I thought I lost you forever now there a twist your not seeing ⚘

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