Young And The Restless Scoop June 5: Billy Blabs Jill’s Secret And Presses Lily About Adding Abbott To The Company Name – Sally Sees Adam And Chelsea Embracing

Young And The Restless: Billy tells Lily Jill is ill

Young And The Restless: Billy tells Lily Jill is ill

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Wednesday, June 5 reveals Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) won’t be able to keep Jill Abbott’s (Jess Walton) secret for long.

Also coming up, Devon Winters (Bryton James), will offer to buy Mamie Johnson’s (Veronica Redd) shares. Plus, Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) will promise discretion. And Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) will walk in on Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) and Chelsea Newman (Melissa Claire Egan).

Y&R spoilers tease Adam and Chelsea will walk into his apartment, upset. “I can’t take anymore Chelsea,” he’ll say. “After what happened today, I cannot pretend like everything is going to be okay.” But Chelsea will say she’s not going to let him give up on their son. And he needs to stay strong, for her and for Connor Newman (Judah Mackey).

Y&R Daily Scoop – Sally Is Surprised To See Adam And Chelsea

They’ll embrace, just as Sally walks in, holding a box. “I didn’t expect you to be here,” a confused Sally will say to Adam. He’ll reply that they didn’t expect to be here either, as Chelsea heads out. Adam will tell Sally they were on the plane when they got a video call from Connor, telling them not to come.

Y&R Scoop: Sally walks in as Adam hugs Chelsea

He’ll continue that the OCD told Connor that he doesn’t deserve to be happy. It led to more self harm, and this time he punched himself in the face. “None of this started until after he started treatment,” Adam will tell her. “How are things getting worse?”

At the GCAC, Devon and Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) will meet up and see Mamie walk in. She’ll tell them she just arrived from Detroit. Devon will say he hopes she’s not there to cause any trouble. Mamie will talk about the last time she saw them, calling it “hurtful.” But she wants to set things right with them and is even willing to take a step back.

“If you want us to believe that you’re not going to make another power play, you have to prove that to us,” Devon will say. “You can sell your interest in Chancellor-Winters to us.” But Mamie will tell Devon he’s being cruel. Then she’ll bring up the fact that Jill handed over the reigns to Billy.

Meanwhile, Billy will see Lily in the Chancellor-Winters CEO office. “What are you doing here, I thought you were doing your Billy Abbott suck up tour?” Lily will quip. But he’ll ask her if Devon’s around. “I need to have a conversation with you, but it needs to be private.”

However, Lily will say she’s not sure who she feels more betrayed by – he or Jill. “Just so you’re clear I only found out about this now…but I think you should know,” Billy will say. “Jill is sick.”  Lily will ask him how bad it is. Billy will say it’s a cardiac issue and she’s in London. And he’ll ask her to keep it between them.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Chelsea Is Surprised He Told Lily

Lily will tell him she’s really sorry. Billy will explain he wants to protect his mother’s legacy, which is why he wants Abbott added to the Chancellor-Winters name. But Lily will say he’s tried the name change already and it’s a ridiculous idea. Billy will tell her he wants his mother to know her legacy is secure.

Y&R Scoop: Chelsea talks to Billy

“Why is this so important to you?” Lily will ask. He’ll say this is his chance to make it up to Jill, before it’s too late. Lily will say she wishes Jill had trusted her to tell her what was up. “I’m hoping you can embrace this idea and help me to present it to the board,” Billy will say.

Just as Devon returns, Lily will tell Billy he can count on her discretion. “Do you wanna tell me what that was about?” Devon will ask, after Billy leaves. But Lily say he just wanted her to keep something confidential. “Why don’t you worry about Mamie and I’ll handle Billy,” she’ll add.

Finally, Chelsea will be relieved when she sees Billy at Crimson Lights. She’ll tell him about Connor’s woes. And she’ll also shut Billy down when he makes an unflattering remark about Adam. Then Billy will tell her about Jill’s health and Chelsea will worry when he mentions he also told Lily. “The last thing she needs right now is to think she can’t trust her own family,” Chelsea will reply. But Billy will say he thinks Lily will keep it to herself.

He’ll add that he asked Lily to help him get Abbott added to the company name. However, Chelsea will say he should talk to his mom and find out her wishes. “I think she trusts me to do what I think is right,” he’ll reply. But is Billy’s push to add Abbott just a ploy to serve his own self-interests?

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