Young And The Restless Scoop October 18: Phyllis Calls Audra A Predator – Kyle Considers Betraying His Family – Mamie Stuns Nate

Young And The Restless: Phyllis glares at Audra

Young And The Restless: Phyllis glares at Audra

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Wednesday, October 18 reveals Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) will issue a warning to Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver).

Also coming up, Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will listen in on Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) talking to Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland). Plus, Audra will tell Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) she’s all in. And Mamie Johnson (Veronica Redd) thinks she can get rid of Jill Abbott (Jess Walton).

Y&R spoilers tease Mamie will try to encourage Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) to return to Chancellor Winters. He’ll remind her his cousins aren’t the only ones who’d have to approve, there’s also Jill to consider. But she’ll tell him Jill’s presence at Chancellor Winters is unnecessary. Then Nate will say something isn’t adding up. “Just tell me if you’ll at least consider my offer, to come back to your family’s company,” she’ll press. Nate will say he’s happy where he is but he’ll think about it.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Jack Confides In Traci About Kyle

At the Abbott estate, Kyle won’t tell Jack and Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) about Audra’s offer. So, they’ll tell him they’re thinking of releasing some damaging information on Tucker. Billy will say it’ll take his power away. “Or you could make him more vengeful, ignite a war,” Kyle will reply. Jack will say if they stick together as a family, they can get through it. Kyle will say at least Tucker was good for one thing, it brought Jack and Billy closer together.

Y&R Scoop: Traci listens as Jack confides in her

After Billy leaves, Jack will ask Kyle if he’ll consider returning to Jabot. “There is only one place that interests me and it is very clear to me now that’s not an option,” Kyle will say. “It’s not going to happen, let’s stop pretending that it can. But as Traci and Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters) walk in, an angry Kyle will storm out the door.

Diane will follow Kyle  to Crimson Lights and he’ll whine that he’s never going to get the co-CEO job. “I saw dad and Billy tonight, they’re a team, they’re on the same page.” Diane will ask what it means for his future. “I recently got an interesting offer but I’m not sure if it’s the right move to make.” Diane will again caution him to stay away from Audra. But Kyle will defend her. “Audra is a smart, fun successful woman who knows what she wants and how to get it,” he’ll say. “I think I could learn a thing or two from Audra.”

Back at the Abbott estate, Traci will ask Jack what’s wrong with Kyle and he’ll say his son wants his old job back but he can’t give it to him. “I cannot undercut Billy when he’s finally making strides at Jabot,” Jack will tell his sister. “I don’t wanna do that.” But Traci will point out that for Kyle, he thinks of it as the way he is viewed by his father.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Kyle Sulks In The Hallway

However, Jack thinks Kyle shot to the top too quickly and has a sense of entitlement. And when Traci asks what Jack thinks his son deserves, Kyle will sulk as he eavesdrops. “I think the necessary step for him is to start from the ground up,” Jack will tell her. “It is time for Kyle to work his way up at Jabot, to pay his dues.” Then an angry Kyle will walk outside and send Audra a text: “Let’s talk.”

Y&R Scoop: Kyle learns his dad wants him to pay his dues

Meanwhile, Tucker will ask Phyllis what she wants. And she’ll say he recently transferred some money to a company called LLB. “You’re using Mamie, aren’t you?” she’ll ask. Tucker will ask what’s she’s after. Phyllis will say she just wants him to leave her alone. There’ll be a knock on the door and Phyllis will answer it and see Audra standing there.

“What kind of business would you have here suddenly at night?” she’ll ask. Audra will say it’s none of her business. “I’ve seen versions of you come and go in this town for years,” Phyllis will tell her. “And what am I?” Audra will ask. “A predator,” Phyllis will reply. “You chew people up and you spit ’em out.” Audra will comment to Tucker that she’s sensing  hostility. “Yep,” Phyllis will reply. “You’re the woman who ruined my daughter’s marriage.” But when Audra says Kyle’s marriage was already on the rocks because of her, Phyllis will tell her she should watch who she pisses off. “People have really long memories.”

Finally, after Phyllis leaves, Audra will tell Tucker she wants to help him take over Jabot. She’ll add that she’s close to getting Kyle to betray his family. Tucker will ask what she offered him. “The top spot at Jabot, alongside me,” she’ll reply. But Tucker thinks she overplayed her hand.  “Believe me, Kyle is primed for a reset, it’s only a matter of time,” she’ll reply. Then she’ll grin slyly, when she reads the text from Kyle.

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One Thought to “Young And The Restless Scoop October 18: Phyllis Calls Audra A Predator – Kyle Considers Betraying His Family – Mamie Stuns Nate”

  1. Joyce Stephenson

    I think she’s up to no good, she’s to goody goody acting A big phoney.

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