Young And The Restless Scoop September 27: Nick Accuses Victoria Of Undermining Victor To Get Her Job Back – Mamie Is The Secret Investor

Young And The Restless: Nick makes an accusation against Victoria

Young And The Restless: Nick makes an accusation against Victoria

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop reveals Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) will tell Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) her concern about their father’s health seems coincidental.

Also coming up, Mamie Johnson (Veronica Redd) will confide in Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic). Plus, Devon Winters (Bryton James) and Lily Winters (Christel Kahlil) will get some answers. And Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) will learn he’s going to be Nate’s assistant.

Y&R spoilers tease Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) and Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) will ask Mamie why she’s back. But she doesn’t want to say anything, afraid to jinx it. She’ll tell them she booked a room at the club but Jack will tell her she can stay there, it’s her home. However, Mamie will say there’s more privacy at the GCAC. “What are you up to Mamie Johnson?” Jack will ask. “I’m just settling a few debts, that’s all,” she’ll reply.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Nate Is Surprised To See Aunt Mamie

At the Chancellor estate, Lily and Devon will discuss the mystery investor. Then Lily will get a call and find out the investor is from Detroit, LBB Financial. “I know this sounds weird, but the first thing that comes to my mind is my grandmother’s initials, Lily Belle Barber.”

Y&R Scoop: Nate embraces his Aunt Mamie

At Newman Enterprises, Adam will tell Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) he saw the press release. So, he’ll ask his father when he wants him to start doing whatever he’ll be doing. Then Victor will call Nate into his office. Nate will walk in and Adam will ask what’s going on. “From now on, you will be Nate’s assistant.”

“Me, Nate’s assistant, are you joking?” Adam will ask. “How does that benefit anyone?” But Victor will tell Adam he’ll soon realize it’s an ideal position. “You wanted a chance to prove you could change,” he’ll add. “This is your chance now.” Victor will leave and Nate will tell Adam he had no part in this decision. “And I am about as excited as you are.” His phone will ping and it’ll be a message from Devon.

Nate will head to the GCAC and Devon will fill him in on the secret Chancellor Winters investor called LBB. “Aunt Mamie has a small investment firm,” Nate will tell him. “And it’s called LBB.” Devon will want details, but Nate will tell him he’s not comfortable talking about his aunt’s business.

After Devon heads out, Nate will spot Mamie. They’ll head to her suite and she’ll say he’s the only person she can trust. “I wanted you to hear it from me,” Mamie will confide. “I’ve invested in Chancellor Winters.” Mamie will smile and flash back to her many confrontations with Jill Abbott (Jess Walton), including when Jill bought her off to leave town. “I am very much looking forward to seeing Jill’s head explode,” she’ll say.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Keeping It A Secret From Jill

Back at the Chancellor estate, Devon will tell Lily that Nate said Aunt Mamie has a company called LBB. “So Mamie is the secret investor?” Lily will say. “I guess she would want her name anonymous given her history with Jill.” But they’ll decide to keep it from Jill until they’re positive it’s Mamie.

Y&R Scoop: Lily tells Devon they need to be sure before they tell Jill

Finally, Victoria will meet with Nick at Society. “We need to keep our father from making a terrible mistake,” she’ll say, adding she’s worried about Victor’s decision making. But Nick will point out it’s his company, he can do whatever he wants. “He’s not acting like himself,” she’ll continue. “How is it a good idea for him to dive back in as CEO?” However, Nick will say he’s not coming back to Newman, so he’ll wonder what she wants him to do.

“I need you to help me stop dad from jeopardizing his health,” she’ll reply. But Nick will ask if she’s using this as an excuse to get her job back. “This is about more than just his physical strength, it’s about his mind,” an incredulous Victoria will respond. “Do you think I’m trying to undermine him for my own benefit?” Nick will say it seems coincidental that she believes Victor has suffered some sort of mental decline. “But only after you lost your position as CEO.”

Nick will also warn that whether her concern is genuine or not, Victor will see it as sour grapes. “Can you imagine the fury that is going to rain down upon you if you ever suggest to our father he’s incapable of running the company he built?”

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