Young And The Restless Scoop June 6: Martin Attacks Ashley After She Has A Major Breakthrough About Tucker

Young And The Restless: Martin puts his hand over Ashley's mouth

Young And The Restless: Martin puts his hand over Ashley's mouth

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Thursday, June 6 reveals Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) will find herself in grave danger.

Also coming up, Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins) will hypnotize Ashley. Plus, Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) will describe his encounter with the man he thought was Alan to Ashley.

Y&R spoilers tease Ashley will tell Alan that as much as she wants to know what trauma she experienced, she’s also afraid to find out. “Knowing how dangerous Martin can be it’s not unreasonable to think that Martin is behind this trauma,” Alan will say. He’ll ask her what else she remembers from that night but she’ll say it’s a blank.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Traci’s Reassurance Keeping Her Grounded

So, Ashley will ask if they could use hypnosis. But he’ll say it’s not without risk. “We have everything to gain and nothing to lose,” Ashley will reply. “Please, let’s do this.” After he hypnotizes her, Alan will ask Ashley to picture the bar where she met Martin and to describe it. As she does, Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) will walk into the room.

Y&R Scoop: Traci worries about her sister

“What happened when Martin joined you?” Alan will ask. She’ll say they toasted their friendship and did some catching up. Then she’ll say he whispered something in her ear. “I have a new piece of art I want you to see, I think you’ll find it interesting,” she’ll recall. Then Alan will take her out of the hypnosis. “We have to go to your townhouse Alan,” she’ll insist.

Then Ashley’s phone will ping. It’s the voicemail Tucker left for her. She’ll tell Alan and Traci that Tucker’s in Paris and is positive he saw him. However, Alan will say he didn’t run into Tucker. “Was it Martin?” Ashley will ask.

So, she’ll call Tucker and ask what happened when he ran into Alan. “He looked straight into my eyes but had no recognition of me,” he’ll reply. Then Ashley will tell Tucker it wasn’t Alan and not to worry about her. Then she’ll hang up.

However, Tucker will pace around his hotel room, doing nothing but worrying. “What’s going on with you Ashley?” he’ll say to himself. Then he’ll grab his jacket and leave.

Ashley, Traci and Alan will arrive at his townhouse and she’ll recognize the painting Martin wanted her to see. Ashley will recall sitting on the couch with Martin and they’ll hear a loud noise. Alan will head upstairs to investigate and Ashley will tell her sister she couldn’t do this without her. “Your reassurance is keeping me grounded through this.”

Young And The Restless Scoop – Ashley Confused Martin With Tucker

As Ashley stares at the painting, she’ll remember her conversation with Martin. He badmouthed Tucker and called his actions at the bistro violent, while Ashley defended him. But she became suspicious of Martin when he referred to her as a “fascinating subject.”

Y&R Scoop: Martin leans in to kiss Ashley

Then Alan will come back downstairs, without his sweater on, and his demeanor will change. He’ll tell Ashley and Traci there’s no one else in the house. Ashley will say she remembered more and she’ll tell him about it. But surprisingly, Alan will defend Martin. “Maybe I hurt him more than I helped,” he’ll say. “I should have pointed out his underlying gifts.”

He’ll suggest hypnosis again. And Ashley will remember Martin suggested recreating the fight she had with Tucker, with him playing Tucker. Traci will ask Alan if it would be safe to continue. “I promise you she is in very good hands,” he’ll reply. An exasperated Traci will say that’s not what she asked. Then Alan will ask Ashley to close her eyes again. However, Ms. Abbott will try to take over and Ashley will fight her off.

Alan will ask Traci to make them a pot of strong coffee but she’ll resist. “Your very presence could be impeding her progress,” Alan will tell her. So, after assurances from Ashley, Traci will leave the room. Alan will tell Ashley they need to recreate that night. He’ll ask her to close her eyes and go back to that night and she will.

She’ll recall Martin telling her he knocked over a wine glass and kicked that chair. But she told him Tucker didn’t do that. “This is where we change the narrative Ashley, you’re so strong…so beautiful,” Martin replied. “I could be your Tucker, a better version.” Then he leaned in to kiss her.

Finally, Ashley will open her eyes. “I know what happened, I somehow confused the two,” she’ll exclaim. “Martin was so frightening and aggressive and I blended them together somehow.” Alan will smile manically and say he knew he could crack the code.

“I knew best, I know best and you just helped me prove it,” he’ll tell her. “If you figure it out you will be my favorite subject.” “You’re Martin,” a horrified Ashley will reply. She’ll jump up from the sofa and try to get away from him, but Martin will grab her and put his hand over her mouth.

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