Young And The Restless Scoop May 14: Lily Tells Jill She’s Made Things Much Worse, After She Verifies Billy’s Claim – Daniel Begs – Devon Makes An Appeal To Tucker

Young And The Restless: Lily video chats with Jill

Young And The Restless: Lily video chats with Jill

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Tuesday, May 14 reveals Jill Abbott (Jess Walton) will verify Billy Abbott’s (Jason Thompson) claim.

Also coming up, Devon Winters (Bryton James) will ask Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) for help. Plus, Daniel Romalotti (Michael Graziadei) will plead with Lily Winters (Christel Khalil). And Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) will get her flirt on with Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins).

Y&R spoilers tease an ultra friendly Ashley will approach Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) . She’ll say she hopes she’s ditched Tucker. “Sorry to disappoint you but Tucker and I are solid,” she’ll reply. They’ll chat about Alan and Audra will say she saw Ashley flirting with him. She’ll suggest it may not be a good idea to get involved with her therapist. But Ashley will say Alan’s not her therapist, he’s her friend.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Tucker Picks Alan’s Brain About Ashley

At the same time, Tucker will run into Alan. He’ll notice a suitcase and ask him if he’s going to leave Ashley in the lurch. “She needs help, desperately,” Tucker will tell him. “You’ve got to do something about it.” But Alan will say he doesn’t think Ashley would be comfortable talking to him about her.

Y&R Scoop: Tucker speaks with Alan

Tucker will say ever since their honeymoon breakup in Paris, it’s been one wild personality swing after the other. “She’s not going to get well, if left on her own.” But Alan will tell Tucker he feels guilty. “If Ashley does get help, you’re off the hook from having hurt her.”

Later, Alan will arrive at Society to meet with Ashley. He’ll say he ran into Tucker and she’ll say he’s a selfish pig. Ashley will promise never to run Alan out of town again. She wants him to stay in town as long as possible. They’ll head to the park, and Ashley will tell Alan she wants to kiss him.

Meanwhile, Daniel will drop by Lily’s office. “I don’t have time for whatever, this is,” she’ll say, when she sees him standing there. “You’re suing Chancellor-Winters and we’re going to fight back.” But Daniel will tell her she knows this isn’t right.

“OmegaSphere is not yours, it belongs to Chancellor-Winters,” she’ll remind him. Daniel will say he made Princess Louisa for his daughter. “Just because you want something does not mean you’re entitled to have it,” Lily will snap. She’ll remind him she was helping her own daughter while he slept with Heather Stevens (Vail Bloom) behind her back.

However, Daniel will say it feels like she’ll only be happy if she crushes him. It’s all about revenge. And he’ll remind Lily they’ve always had each other’s back. “I am begging you, please do not take this from me.” But Lily will say it sounds like a guilt trip. Daniel will tell her they can figure out a solution. So, Lily won’t promise anything, but she’ll agree to revisit it with the board.

After Daniel leaves, Lily will get a video call. “Jill, what the hell?” she’ll ask when Jill pops up on her screen. “Did you really give Billy all of your power behind our backs?” And Jill will confirm she did. Lily will ask why she would do that.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Devon Asks If He Has A Moment

“Because Devon is determined to push Billy out of the company,” Jill will reply. “I had to make sure that wasn’t possible.” She’ll add that since Billy now has equal footing with her and Devon, they can get back to business. “No Jill, this is not a solution, you have made things so much worse,” Lily will reply.

Y&R Scoop: Devon walks into lobby to talk to Tucker

At Chancellor Park, Devon and Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway) will watch their son Dominic playing offscreen. He’ll tell her Billy said Jill handed all her power over to him. “That doesn’t make any sense,” Abby will say. But Devon will tell her he believes it’s a move Billy made to assert his control over them.

However, Abby will say Jill must have a good reason. She’ll ask what Devon wants to do. “You can’t do good business when management is unstable like this,” he’ll reply. He’ll add that he’d love to walk away but he can’t do that to Lily.

Then Lily will call Devon and say she talked to Jill. “Everything Billy said is true, she handed him her control,” she’ll say. Devon will tell Lily he has to do something first, then he’ll be back at work. As he leaves, Abby will ask him not to do something he might regret.

Finally, Audra will show up at the GCAC and as usual, she and Tucker will discuss their favorite subject – Ashley. But as they start to head upstairs, Devon will walk into the lobby. “Do you have a second?” he’ll ask his father. “I could use your help.”

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