Young And The Restless Scoop July 8: Kyle Brags To Jack He’s Running Glissade – Victor Warns Claire – Traci Catches Up With Danny And Christine

Young And The Restless Scoop: Kyle spills the beans to Jack

Young And The Restless Scoop: Kyle spills the beans to Jack

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Monday, July 8 reveals Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will tell his father Glissade’s going to put Jabot out of business.

Also coming up, Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) will warn Claire Grace (Hayley Erin) about Kyle. Plus, Danny Romalotti (Michael Damian) and Christine Blair (Lauralee Bell) will surprise an old friend. And Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) and Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) will talk about love.

Y&R spoilers tease Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) will tell Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) she’s having a lovely time in Paris. Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) is doing a lot better, which has made her hopeful. “I’m looking forward to all the opportunities that are ahead for all of us.”

Jack will say Paris seems to be treating her well, there’s a glow about her. Traci will admit she’s gotten closer to Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins). Then there will be a knock on Traci’s door. When she opens it, she’ll see Christine and Danny standing there. “Bonjour,” Christine will say. Traci will hug the couple and invite them inside.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Alan Pulls Traci In For A Romantic Smooch

She’ll ask them about the tour and they’ll say it’s going great. Alan will arrive shortly after. He’ll be excited to meet Danny and they’ll all head out to breakfast together. After they get to the restaurant, Alan will get a call and Danny and Christine will tell Traci they’re so happy for her.

Y&R Scoop: Alan smooches with Traci

The foursome will return to the apartment and Danny will invite them to his show that night. Of course, Traci and Alan will accept. After Danny and Christine leave, Alan will say it’s obvious they adore her. “And I can understand why,” he’ll add, pulling Traci into a kiss.

Meanwhile, Nick will forget all about getting home to Christian. Instead, he’ll head to the GCAC to have a drink with Phyllis. Nick will tell her he recently took a trip down memory lane with Sharon Newman (Sharon Case).

So, Phyllis will ask him if he’s done with love. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” he’ll reply. Nick will wonder if she is. But Phyllis will say she’s done with that singer that won’t be named. Nick will walk her to the lobby and stare up at Phyllis, as she heads upstairs.

At Crimson Lights, Claire will see Victor walk in. She’ll smile and ask if he’s following her. But Victor will say he’s there to get a croissant, and he’ll ask her to sit down because he wants to talk to her about something. He’ll ask his granddaughter if she and Kyle were on a date earlier. However, Claire will say she’d never cross that line.

“I think there are some things you need to know about Kyle,” Victor will tell her and ask how much she knows about him. So, Claire will say it sounds like he’s trying to turn her against Kyle and she’ll add he’s not a threat to her.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Victor Reminds Claire He’s Jack’s Son

But Victor will warn her that people whose lives have been turned upside down make enemies without intending to. He’ll say it’s not that he doesn’t like Kyle, it’s that he’s Jack Abbott’s son. “And that is enough reason to proceed with caution.”

Y&R Scoop: Claire defends Kyle to Victor

At Society, Daniel Romalotti (Michael Graziadei) will sit with Kyle at the bar. He’ll say he knows how it feels to lose a job. But a smug Kyle will tell him when one door closes, another opens. Daniel will say Summer Newman (Allison Lanier) mentioned he had a new opportunity. But she’s not as jazzed about it as he is.

“Summer needs to relax,” Kyle will reply. He’ll add that she told him she’s thinking of hiring a lawyer and coming after his kid. “Why don’t you tell her to back the hell off before she lives to regret it.” Then Kyle will storm off.

Finally, Kyle will head home and pour himself another drink. And he’ll roll his eyes when Jack walks into the living room. They’ll get into it and Kyle will whine about getting fired. “You are not an innocent bystander in this,” Jack will tell him. He’ll say Kyle approved of him hiring Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters) as co-CEO.

But Kyle will tell him that was before he realized she couldn’t handle the responsibility. “Guess what, I am about to prove to you and mom just how wrong you were.” So, Jack will ask what he’s going to spring on him. And Kyle will say he’s going to be running Glissade. A horrified Jack will think his son will be working for Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John).

However, Kyle will say Tucker’s out and he’s in. “We will not only have enough bottomless funding to give Jabot a run for it’s money, we will put it out of business,” he’ll add. “I work for the enemy and there is nothing you can do to stop it.”

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