Young And The Restless Scoop July 26: Kyle Asks Claire To Spy On Summer While He’s Away – Nikki Wants To Run Chancellor

Young And The Restless: Claire doesn't look happy with Kyle's request

Young And The Restless: Claire doesn't look happy with Kyle's request

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Friday, July 26 reveals Claire Grace (Hayley Erin) will find herself between a rock and a hard place.

Also coming up, Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) will be annoyed with Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson). Plus, Summer Newman (Allison Lanier) will tell Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) she won. And Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) will consider warning Billy.

Y&R spoilers tease Summer will thank Phyllis for being in her corner. She’ll say she got a court order stopping Kyle from taking Harrison Locke (Redding Munsell) to Paris. Phyllis will tell her she deserves this moment. “But isn’t your heart breaking just a little bit?” she’ll ask.

Summer will say she’s not upset. “I won, Kyle lost, he got what he deserved.” Although a part of her feels guilty for not letting Harrison go on this trip. However, the other part thinks she should be sharing trips with Harrison, not some nanny. Phyllis will encourage her daughter to take time off work so she can spend tons of time with her son while Kyle is away.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Summer Gives Kyle Her Best Smug Smile

At the Abbott estate, Harrison will talk about how excited he is to see the Eiffel Tower. But Kyle will tell him that unfortunately, plans have changed. “I’m not going to be able to take you and Claire on this trip,” he’ll say, promising to make it up to him.

Y&R Scoop: Summer smiles at Kyle as Harrison hugs her

Claire will point out that at least Harrison won’t have to be sad that he’s going without his mom and will get to see her a lot more. Harrison will be disappointed, but he’ll take it well. Claire will tell him his grill cheese is ready and he’ll head into the kitchen. Kyle will mention to Claire that while he’s away, Summer will have all that time to cause him trouble.

“What I need is somebody to keep an eye out, someone I can trust.” So, he’ll ask her to let him know if Summer tries to pull anything while he’s in Paris. Claire will ask if he wants her to be a spy. “Summer already doesn’t trust me, so if she were to find out…” she’ll start. Then Kyle will apologize and say he doesn’t want to put her in the middle.

Harrison will come back into the living room and Kyle will suggest they all go to the park for ice cream. But when they get there, they’ll run smack dab into Summer and Phyllis. So, Summer will tell Harrison she’s taking time off work and they’ll spend tons of time together while his dad is away. Harrison will hug her and Claire will watch as Summer smiles smugly at Kyle. But will she change her mind about spying on her for Kyle?

Meanwhile, Billy will show Lily the new company logo he had made and she won’t like it. “It definitely sends a statement,” she’ll say. “That Abbott is driving the bus and Chancellor is the passenger.” Lily will tell him giving Abbott top billing makes no sense business wise. “Abbott Chancellor means nothing to no one.”

Young And The Restless Scoop – Victoria Considers Warning Her Ex

She’ll say the Abbott in the logo should be more subtle. There should be a dash between the names. So, Billy will tell her she can consider it done. Then Devon Winters (Bryton James) will arrive, to tell Lily he and Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway) are engaged.

Y&R Scoop: Victoria talks to Nikki

Finally, Victoria and Nikki will talk about Victor (Eric Braeden) going after Chancellor. Nikki will say she was up late, thinking about it. “If your father takes control of Chancellor, Billy is going to take a really big fall,” she’ll add. “I need to know how you feel about that.”

Victoria will say she feels Billy’s being unfairly blindsided. “Dad seems to just relish the idea of humiliating him.” She’ll say she and Billy have been in a good place for years. “He’s gonna see it as an unforgivable betrayal and I wouldn’t blame  him.”

Then she’ll tell Nikki she feels like warning Billy about what’s about to go down. “Well if you’re waiting for me to stop you, I’m not going to,” Nikki will respond. But she’ll also say Victor  is hoping she puts the family first.

Victoria will ask her mom if she even wants to run Chancellor. “I do want it,” she’ll reply. “Very badly. It’s the connection to Katherine that makes it so special.” So, Victoria will chicken out and tell her mom she’s not going to warn Billy. “I’ve dealt with Billy’s wrath before,” she’ll say. But will she regret not warning her ex-husband?

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