Young And The Restless Scoop March 19: Jordan Swallows A Poisonous Toxin – Summer Is Horrified To Learn The Truth About Claire

Young And Restless: Nikki, Victoria and Claire stand over a passed out Jordan

Young And Restless: Nikki, Victoria and Claire stand over a passed out Jordan

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Tuesday, March 19 reveals Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott), Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) and Claire Grace (Hayley Erin) will have a life or death decision in their hands.

Also coming up, Chelsea Newman (Melissa Claire Egan) will wonder if  Connor Newman’s (Judah Mackey) problems are because of her. Plus, Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) and Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) will tell Summer Newman (Allison Lanier) the truth about Claire.

Y&R spoilers tease Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) will tell his son they’re going to fix this and everything will be okay. He’ll ask him what he thinks about the retreat that the doctor recommended. “It’s a hospital for crazy people,” Connor will reply. “I don’t wanna go dad, I’m scared.” But Adam will assure him nothing’s been decided yet.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Summer Learns Claire Tried To Kill Them All

In the doctor’s office, Chelsea will tell her she feels responsible for what’s happening to her sweet little son. “I attempted suicide about a year and a half ago.” She’ll say she’s starting to think she passed something horrible on to Connor and her actions have already caused him so much pain.

Y&R Scoop: Summer finds out what Claire did

Chelsea will add that Connor has already said he doesn’t want to be here and has scary thoughts. “What if one day, the scary thoughts chase him onto a ledge before we’re able to get him treatment?” But Dr. Alcott (Sandra Prosper) will say there’s no quick fix and the best thing for Connor right now is to get him into the residential facility.

Meanwhile, Nick will be shocked to learn that Nikki, Victoria and Claire are confronting Jordan (Colleen Zenk). He’ll tell his father it’s a bad idea and Victor will agree. But he’ll say he couldn’t talk them out of it. Summer will arrive and say she has a few questions about her new cousin. “She seemed really great, and Harrison adored her right off the bat, but it seemed Victoria didn’t want to get into the details of Claire’s past.”

So, she’ll ask what she needs to know about her. Victor will tell a shocked Summer everything. “Claire really was a part of trying to kill all of you?” she’ll ask, incredulously. But Victor will tell Summer Claire was raised to hate them and was used by her aunt as a weapon against them.

When Summer returns home, Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will ask her how it went at the ranch. “Bottom line, it would be a colossal mistake for us to let Claire look after Harrison, or be alone with him, ever.”

Young And The Restless Scoop – Jordan Pulls Out A Vial Of Poison

Finally, Nikki, Victoria and Claire will arrive to confront Jordan. “What kind of sick tea party is this?” she’ll inquire. Then she’ll ask if they’re there to gloat. “After all the hell you put us through I can’t think of a better way to spend an afternoon,” Nikki will reply.

Y&R Scoop: Jordan holds out a vial

Jordan will tell them they’ll never get closure, she’s going to haunt them day and night. “Your days of terrorizing us are over,” Nikki will say. Then Jordan will ask Victoria if she trusts Claire. “You better watch out because who knows if she will turn on you,” Jordan will say to Victoria. “Welcome her into your home, but I would sleep with one eye open.”

“Shut up bitch!” Nikki will shout. But Jordan will just laugh ask Nikki if she’s drunk. “I survived you, I survived your attack on my sobriety,” she’ll reply. Then Jordan will ask Claire if she really thinks she’ll fit in. “You’re going to be just like your new uncle Adam. Another black sheep, another outcast.”

Victoria will tell her she’s going to die in prison. So, Jordan will reach under the mattress and grab a vial. Nikki will ask what it is and she’ll tell her it’s a toxin. “While you’ve been running off your mouth, I’m the one that’s still in charge.”

Jordan will drink it and say goodbye to her niece. “And you can all just go to hell.” As she collapses on the bed, they’ll wonder if they should call someone for help. “After everything she’s taken from us, does she deserve to live, or die?“ Claire will ask Nikki and Victoria.

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4 Thoughts to “Young And The Restless Scoop March 19: Jordan Swallows A Poisonous Toxin – Summer Is Horrified To Learn The Truth About Claire”

  1. Joyce

    Oh my God. And where the heck did Jirdon get the vial of poison. This is so crazy. Must think we are stupid.

  2. Anonymous

    If they take her to a regular hospital she’ll escape. They need to take her to a phych ward and put her in a straight jacket…

  3. Sharon

    Sick of Jordan, sick of Heather, basically sick of this SOAP! Wonder why I still watch it!

    1. Anonymous

      I agree with you I’m sick of it also

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