Young And The Restless Poll: Is Tucker Gaslighting Ashley?

Young And The Restless: Ashley confronts Tucker

Young And The Restless: Ashley confronts Tucker

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop reveals Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) and Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) have entirely different recollections of their breakup at a Paris bistro. But is Tucker manipulating Ashley?

When Ashley flashes back to the event, she recalls her former husband yelling at the top of his lungs, smashing a wine glass and overturning a chair. Whereas Tucker’s version of what happened is he spilled some wine and moved the chair out of the way before calmly telling her to go to hell.

Y&R spoilers tease Ashley is beginning to question her own sanity regarding the incident with Tucker. He told her she’s making it up because she has a fear of commitment. Which is why she and Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) are flying to Paris to get to the truth of the matter.

Y&R Poll – He Could Have Spoken With Bistro Waitstaff

However, Tucker did put the idea in her head to go to the bistro herself and ask the waitstaff what really happened. If he is truly gaslighting his ex-wife, he could have already spoken with them and paid them off. On the other hand, Tucker may just want Ashley to find out for herself that he’s not conning her.

Y&R Scoop: Tucker shouts at Ashley in Paris

It’s also possible that Ashley is having a mental breakdown, and it wouldn’t be the first. Was it a coincidence that out of all the classic episodes Y&R could have aired around Christmas, they chose one in which Ashley had lost her mind?

A Y&R spoiler photo for this week shows Ashley and Traci speaking with a waiter at the bistro in Paris. But will he confirm Ashley’s version of events, or deny them?

Young And The Restless Poll – Tucker May Be Telling The Truth

So, is Ashley right and Tucker is playing mind games on her? Or is he actually telling her the truth? Vote in our poll below!

Is Tucker Gaslighting Ashley?

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