Young And The Restless Scoop November 3: Billy Suspects Kyle’s Working With Tucker – Nate Suggests Victor Take A Leave Of Absence

Young And The Restless: Jack shocked by Billy's suggestion

Young And The Restless: Jack shocked by Billy's suggestion

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop reveals a lightbulb will go on for Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson), after a confrontation with Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor).

Also coming up, Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) will tell Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) he should take a leave of absence. Plus, Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) will run into Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John). And Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) will agree to Adam Newman’s (Mark Grossman) suggestion.

Y&R spoilers tease Adam will ask Victor to go for a drink. He’ll say sure, maybe it’ll give them a chance to talk about the Newman Media and Kirsten merger. Adam will sigh and run into Nate in the hallway and he’ll tell him he spoke with a specialist. Nate will suggest he discuss it with his siblings and he’ll say he already did, but they want nothing to do with him. “I’ll take care of my father on my own,” Adam will say, as he gets on the elevator.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Tucker Likes Watching Ashley Squirm

Nate will turn around and Victor will be standing there. “Who was just here, was it Nicholas or Adam?” he’ll ask. And Nate will tell him it was Adam, who has talked to a specialist. “What did I tell you, my kids are power grabbers, they’re after me,” Victor will reply. Then Nate will tell him he should consider a leave of absence. But Victor will say he’s not going anywhere. However, Nate will say he needs tests to find out what’s wrong with him.

Y&R Scoop: Tucker taunts Ashley

At the GCAC, Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) will encounter Nick. She’ll ask about his father’s health, and tell him Adam’s been worried.  They’ll head up to her room to discuss Victor and Sally will ask if what’s happening is serious. Nick will say he’s not sure. “You and Adam must be back on closer terms, to discuss something so private,” he’ll say. And Sally won’t deny it.

They’ll head downstairs and run into Adam, who’ll ask to speak with Nick. Adam will say their dad had another one of his moments and they need to take action. But Nick will tell him he can’t trust that Adam has their father’s best interests at heart. And he’ll remind him of when he messed with Victor’s medication. “That was a dark moment,” Adam will admit. He’ll ask Nick to sit down with him and Victor and the specialist, when he shows up to observe, and they can let it play out. “Okay, I’m in,” Nick will say.

At Society, Ashley will join Tucker at the bar. He’ll tell her he started annulment proceedings. Then they’ll basically have the exact same conversation they had last week. Ashley will say she feels like he’s out for revenge. “Maybe,” he’ll reply. “Or maybe I just like watching you squirm.” She’ll ask him if he ever really loved her and he’ll say he’s never going to be anything but suspicious of her from now on.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Kyle Is Ready To Prove Himself

Meanwhile, Billy will tell Kyle that Jack Abbott’s (Peter Bergman) been playing the go between for awhile now and it’s not fair. “You’re coming after my job,” he’ll continue and Kyle won’t deny it. “You made it clear to Jack you won’t return to Jabot unless it’s in the co-CEO position.” And he’ll tell his nephew he’s acting like a spoiled brat. But Billy will be taken aback when Kyle says he’s right. “I don’t want to be breaking my father’s heart, it kills me. So guess what Billy, you win.”

Y&R Scoop; Kyle gets ready to betray his family

A confused Billy will ask why he’s suddenly accepting this. “The point is, I’m no longer going to force the issue, in fact I’m not going to return to Jabot,” Kyle will say. Jack will walk in and Kyle will tell him he and Billy just had a frank discussion about the co-CEO position and in light of that, he’s decided to head in a different direction. He’ll add that Billy gave him a wake up call.

After Kyle leaves, Jack will ask Billy how that just happened. “Jack, I don’t like saying this,” Billy will reply. “But I don’t think he’s being sincere.” Jack will ask what he means. “It feels like he’s trying to throw us off,” Billy will reply. Ashley will arrive home and Billy and Jack will bring her up to speed on Kyle. Billy will admit to his siblings that he asked Kyle to use Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) to spy on Tucker, but he refused. “I think Tucker may have gotten his claws into Kyle and turned your son against us,” Billy will add.

Finally, Kyle will knock on Tucker’s door. “It’s time to prove yourself to me, time to take the next step,” Tucker will tell him. “I’m ready,” he’ll reply. “I won’t let you down.”

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