Young And The Restless Scoop October 9: Audra Tells A Stunned Nikki She Wants Kyle Back – Devon Spots A Look Between Party Crasher Tucker And Mamie

Young And The Restless: Audra tells Nikki they have a problem

Young And The Restless: Audra tells Nikki they have a problem

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Monday, October 9 reveals Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) will be stunned to see Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) at the reception.

Also coming up, Mamie Johnson (Veronica Redd) wants Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) and Devon Winters (Bryton James) to make peace. Plus, Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) and Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters) will renew their wedding vows. And Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) will also crash the party.

Y&R spoilers tease Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) will announce to everyone that he and Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters) are going to exchange vows, in front of them all. Many of the assembled guests will cheer and smile. But Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) will scowl. “Oh goody,” Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) will say sarcastically. Then Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will officiate, as his parents express their heartfelt feelings for each other.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Jack And Diane Renew Their Vows

While guests go through the receiving line, Nikki will give Claire Grace (Hayley Erin) the down-low on each one of them. Then she’ll walk up to Diane, and she’ll say she’s accepted the fact that Jack has married her. “But if you do anything to hurt Jack, I will make your life a living hell and there will be many others who will help me.”  Diane will say what she fears is not going to happen. “I hope that’s true, for Jack’s sake, and yours,” Nikki will reply.

Y&R Scoop: Kyle officiates as his parents renew their vows

At Mamie’s table, she’ll tell Devon and Nate she’s going to make sure they come back together as  a family, along with Lily Winters (Christel Khalil). “Because this has gone on long enough.” Later, Nate will walk up to Devon and tell him Aunt Mamie was right, life is too short and they’re family. “And you know it hurts a lot more when you get betrayed by your own family,” Devon will reply. Nate will apologize for what he did. “I forgive you but that doesn’t mean I forget,” Devon will reply.

At the GCAC, Audra will burst into Tucker’s room, demanding to know why he’s ordering her to reignite her relationship with Kyle. “You expect me to manipulate him into doing something that benefits you,” she’ll say. But Tucker will say Kyle is part of the plan.

“Keep your eye on the prize, we’re going to take over that company,” he’ll tell her. Audra will say the Abbotts have information against both of them. “It’s time to cut your losses, admit that Adam got the better of you and just make a deal with the Abbotts.”

Young And The Restless Scoop – Jacks Tells Him To Get Out

But Tucker will tell her she’s going to do what he asked her to do. “Now that you’ve gotten that out of your system, you need to get ready for a garden party.” She’ll have her doubts about how she’s going to get in but he’ll tell her she can do it. And he’ll provide a distraction for Audra by showing up himself, with a gift. But he won’t get past security. So, Jack and Billy will find him in the living room.

Y&R Scoop: Jack and Billy confront Tucker as Mamie looks on

“I’m here to apologize and make peace,” Tucker will say, after Devon and Mamie walk into the living room. Mamie and Tucker will exchange a look and Devon will notice it. Tucker will tell Jack he was filled with hurt and anger when he returned to Paris and he wants to make amends. “I’ll say it one last time,” Jack will tell him. “Get the hell out of my house!”

Finally, Audra will arrive and spot Kyle at his table. She’ll flash back to when she told him they weren’t the loves of each other’s lives. Suddenly, Nikki will see Audra. She’ll ask if she was even invited and she’ll lie and say Kyle invited her. “It seems you were right, he is having a hard time letting go,” Audra will tell her. But Nikki will point out she wouldn’t have come if she wasn’t also having a hard time letting go. “I don’t want to,” Audra will reply. “I like being with Kyle and if you can’t accept that, then we have a problem.”

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