Young And The Restless Scoop November 30: Ashley Recalls Her Explosive Breakup With Tucker And Admits Regret – Jack Is Livid With Billy’s Theory About Kyle

Young And The Restless: Tucker yells at Ashley

Young And The Restless: Tucker yells at Ashley

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Thursday, November 30 reveals Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) will admit she regrets what happened with Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John).

Also coming up, Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will start his first day as Jabot COO by filling in his mother and meeting with Tucker. Plus, Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters) will try to play matchmaker with Kyle and Summer Newman (Allison Lanier). And Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) will be furious with Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson).

Y&R spoilers tease Jack will tell Kyle he and Diane couldn’t be happier that he’s starting his first day as COO. Although Jack will say they’re all going to have to work remotely, as there’s no electricity on the top three floors.  “Thank you dad, for having so much faith in me,” Kyle will say. Then he’ll admit there’s a surprise in the works he needs to speak with Diane about.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Jack Says Tucker Won’t See Him Coming

After Jack leaves, Kyle will inform Diane he told Tucker about his new position at Jabot. She’ll tell him he needs to be careful. “He is a snake and a dangerous one at that.” Diane will add that Tucker could be setting him up. But Kyle will be confident and will tell her he’s got this. “Are you worried that I can’t pull it off?” he’ll ask. “Pull off what?” Summer will ask as she walks into the living room. But Diane will cover, and tell her it’s Kyle’s first day as Jabot COO.

Y&R Scoop: Jack is angry with Billy

So, Summer will congratulate Kyle and say she wanted to run something by Jack. Diane will tell her Jack’s not there. “Why don’t you work here with us today?” Diane will suggest, adding that maybe she could run the issue by Kyle instead. However, Kyle will say he has things to do and will head out.

Meanwhile, after a confrontation with Tucker at Crimson Lights, Billy will recall the conversation he had with Jack and Ashley about Kyle. When Jack arrives, he’ll tell him he had a disturbing conversation with Tucker. “He implied he already set something in motion inside Jabot that’s going to take us all down.” Billy will say Tucker didn’t seem to be bluffing. “He was sneaky confident, like he’s already got somebody on the inside at Jabot.” But Jack will be livid. “You don’t still think that Tucker has his claws into Kyle?” he’ll ask his brother.

Billy will say he’s having trouble giving Kyle the benefit of the doubt. He’ll tell Jack he saw something in Tucker’s eyes. Plus, he’ll say Kyle’s turnaround seems pretty convenient. But Jack will refuse to believe it. “Kyle knows how devastating this kind of betrayal would be, that’s why he would never be involved in this.” He’ll add that if Tucker does have Kyle in his clutches, he’ll find himself in a world of pain. “And he will not see me coming.”

At Society, Ashley will meet up with Devon Winters (Bryton James) and Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway). She’ll make small talk about Dominic, but Abby will ask why she really invited them to breakfast. So, Ashley will tell Devon she thinks Tucker is truly sorry for some of his past actions. She’ll also say she thought she and Tucker were in love with each other. “Are you saying you could forgive him for the things that he said and did to you?” Abby will ask.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Kyle Asks Tucker For Some Details

Then Ashley will flash back to she and Tucker’s very public break up at a restaurant in Paris. “You made me beg you to believe in us!” he shouted at her. “I had to worship you and you gave me nothing in return.” Ashley asked him to calm down. “Don’t you tell me to calm down!” a furious Tucker replied. “Cause you destroyed me Ashley, every thought, every plan!” Then he took a last sip of his drink, smashed the wine glass on the table, threw his chair behind him and got in Ashley’s face. “I’m done, goodbye Ashley!” he shouted at her. “Go to hell!”

Y&R Scoop: Kyle wants details from Tucker

Ashley will tell Devon and Abby she has a lot of regrets about what happened. But Abby will plead with her to be done with Tucker. “Turn your back on him and walk away,” she’ll say to her mom. Then Ashley will tell Devon he’s Tucker’s Achilles heel. “If there’s any real emotion left in Tucker McCall, you’re the only person who can bring it out.”

Finally, Kyle will show up at Tucker’s room and ask him how he plans to take advantage of his new insider status.  “I thought you’d never ask,” Tucker will reply. “How do you intend to use me specifically?” Kyle will ask. “I would at least like to know some of the details of your game plan.” However, Tucker will tell him he just needs to keep playing spy. “You let me know what you find out.”

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