Young And The Restless Scoop April 10: Ashley Lashes Out At Her Family During An Intervention – Audra Vents To Sally About Tucker

Young And The Restless: Ashley yells at Diane

Young And The Restless: Ashley yells at Diane

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Wednesday, April 10 reveals Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) will be blocked from leaving her family home.

Also coming up, Ashley’s siblings will stage an intervention, along with Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) and Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters). Plus, Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) will vent to Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope).

Y&R spoilers tease Audra will meet Sally for a drink at the Jazz Club. She’ll tell Sally she’s a total mess. “My emotions are just all over the place and I just don’t know what to do.” Sally will ask if Tucker found a way to weasel his way back into her heart and will ask what he did now.

“He asked me to marry him,” Audra will reply, adding she said no. So, Sally will ask how he took it and Audra will say she’s not sure. She thinks he may have proposed to her because of Ashley. “I get why he’s concerned about her mental health,” Audra will add. “I think he feels he’s the reason why she’s fallen apart.”

Y&R Daily Scoop – Tucker Takes Her Threats Seriously

Meanwhile, at the Abbott estate, Tucker will say he’s there of his own volition because he wanted to talk to her family. Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) and Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) will tell him to leave but Ashley will ask him to stay. Tucker will say she needs to listen to what her family has to say.

Y&R Scoop: Tucker talks to Ashley

But first, he needs to say something. He’ll tell Ashley that Audra was alarmed after her conversation with her. Then Ashley will laugh. “Oh Audra, the town bicycle,” she’ll reply. “She’s got a brain the size of a pea and you’re going to take her word over mine?”

However, Tucker will remind her of when she said she wanted him back and then the next day she texted him, telling him to stay away. He’ll tell her he knows what she said to Audra at the GCAC bar.

“You said I should be worried because she means to do me harm,” Tucker will continue. “Not she, Audra. She you. You were talking about yourself in the third person.” But Ashley will say she had a couple of martinis  on an empty stomach. “I have to take that threat very seriously, no matter how much booze is involved,” Tucker will reply.

So, Ashley will tell Tucker she knows he cares about her. And she’ll suggest they hash it out privately. “Can we just talk, please?” she’ll ask. “I’ll explain my behavior and then we can go our separate ways. That’s the way to end this.” Jack and Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) will balk.

In the white room, Ash will find herself handcuffed to the bed. She’ll try to wake Ashley up, telling her Ms. Abbott is going to murder Tucker. But Ashley will remain asleep. “You have to wake up Ashley, she’s completely out of control!”

Young And The Restless Scoop – Traci Wants Her To Get Help

Back at the Abbott estate, Tucker will tell Ashley there’s something she should know. “I’ve asked Audra Charles to marry me.” So, whatever they had in the past, they’re not going to get it back. “I sincerely hope Ashley that you get the help you need.”

Y&R Scoop: Traci cries as Ashley lashes out at her

After Tucker walks out, Traci will tell her sister she’s acting this way because she knows they’re right. But Ashley will accuse her of being a blabber mouth. “I don’t even know who you are!” she’ll shout at Traci. But Traci will tell Ashley she only said what she did because she can’t handle this herself. “You’re having blackouts.”

Jack will tell say they can’t hope whatever caused the blackout will go away. “We have to deal with it now, before it gets worse.” However, once again Ashley will deflect and ask them all how they can judge her.

“You faked your own death bitch!” she’ll shout at Diane. “And then you left your son to grieve alone. I get it now, you poisoned them against me.” Then she’ll ask Jack how far back his resentment towards her goes. As for Billy, she’ll tell him he must be thrilled she’s been put on a lower peg than him.

Finally, Billy will ask Ashley to admit she needs help. “I can’t stand being in the same room with any of you, I’m getting out of here,” Ashley will reply.” But Jack will block the front door and Billy will block the kitchen. “If you won’t seek help for yourself, we will bring help to you,” Jack will tell her as he takes out his phone. But who is he going to call?

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