Young And The Restless Scoop June 18: Adam Puts Connor First And Turns Down Victor’s Job Offer – Tucker Faked His Heart Attack

Young And The Restless: Adam says no to Victor

Young And The Restless: Adam says no to Victor

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Tuesday, June 18 reveals Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) will say no to his father’s offer to run Newman Media.

Also coming up, Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) will accuse Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) of going after Glissade. Plus, Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) will shut down Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) and Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle). And Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) will thank Tucker.

Y&R spoilers tease Traci will worry about her sister. Jack will walk in and she’ll tell him she needs time to process everything. But she’s also concerned about Alan, whose brother is dead. “He tormented Ashley,” Jack will point out.

She’ll break down and start crying and Jack will embrace her. Afterwards, Traci will ask how they missed something so traumatic that happened when all they lived in the same household. “If Alan’s theory is right, it explains a lot about what happened over the years,” Jack will say.

Y&R Daily Scoop – A Quite Healthy Tucker Pays Off The Doctor

In Tucker’s room, Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) will tell him she’s not leaving and she’s not buying his little death scene. “Is this how you want to say goodbye Audra?” he’ll ask. “Mocking me?” But Audra will say she wants to see how far he’s going to push this.

Y&R Scoop: Tucker pays off the doctor

“You may have delayed the board vote, but you can’t postpone it forever,” she’ll tell him and storm out. The moment after Audra leaves, Tucker will clap his hands, jump up from the bed, and thank the doctor for his help with some cold, hard cash.

Tucker will ask his assistant to get dirt on some board members and find out if Jack is in town. When she returns, she’ll tell him Jack is in Paris. So, Tucker will head out to confront him. He’ll arrive at Ashley Abbott’s (Eileen Davidson) apartment and Traci will greet him warmly.

“Tucker, I know you genuinely care for my sister,” Traci will say. “I was wrong, we all were wrong and I am deeply sorry. You have more than proved yourself.” But Tucker will say he came over for a different purpose, he needs to talk to Jack. Then a confused Jack will walk into the living room.

“What do you want, McCall?” he’ll ask. Traci will head out and Jack will ask why he’s there. “Did you really think I wouldn’t figure it out?” Tucker will ask. “I was so curious as to who this mystery investor is, trying to push me out of my own company.”

Understandably, Jack will be confused and ask what he’s talking about. “You’re coming after Glissade,” Tucker will reply. “I just came to tell you you might as well go home.” But Jack will say he doesn’t need to deny it, because it’s preposterous. “I don’t give a damn about you and your company,” he’ll reply. “You have absolutely nothing to do with why I am here.” Then he’ll tell him to get out.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Victor Says It’s Not Going To Happen

Tucker will return to his room and Dawn will say she hasn’t found any dirt on any board member. Then Audra will come to the door. “Well, well, well, look who’s feeling better,” she’ll say. “It’s over, you’ve won,” Tucker will reply.

Y&R Scoop: Nikki folds her arms as she and Victoria talk to Victor

Meanwhile, Adam will arrive at the ranch and tell Victor he doesn’t have a lot of time. He and Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) are heading out to see Connor Newman (Judah Mackey). Then Victor will ask Adam if he’s willing to take over the reigns at Newman Media.

But Adam will tell him Newman Media isn’t his priority right now, Connor is. Plus, he’s not keen on him using him for some unexplained war, without even knowing who the enemy is. “So, my answer’s no.” Victor will say he wants Newman Media to say negative things about another company, but he won’t reveal the company’s name. But when Victor gets a call from Audra, Adam will head out. However, at his apartment, he’ll look at his suitcase and seem wary.

At the tack house, Nikki will badger Victoria about stepping in at Newman Media. “I need to focus on my sobriety, how can I do that if Adam is running Newman Media?” she’ll say. But Victoria will say Victor must have an agenda in the works and he specifically wants Adam.

However, Nikki will say she’ll tell him she’s ready to return to work, as long as Victoria is by her side. Victoria will say she wants to concentrate on her family and Nikki needs to concentrate on her sobriety. But she’ll eventually tell Nikki she’ll step in, temporarily.

Finally, the ladies will head to the ranch and Nikki will tell Victor she can return to work immediately. Victoria will say she’s going to work with Nikki. “So you see, all of your problems are solved,” Nikki will tell him. “I hate to disappoint both of you, this is not going to happen, cause I don’t want it,” he’ll reply.

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One Thought to “Young And The Restless Scoop June 18: Adam Puts Connor First And Turns Down Victor’s Job Offer – Tucker Faked His Heart Attack”

  1. Anonymous

    I think Adam did the right thing turning down Victor and let him stay with Sally she good for him and they good together .don’t make him a villain again he and Nick or great as brother leave it let him be Good.

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