Young And The Restless Scoop July 29: Adam And Chelsea Learn Connor’s Coming Home – Faith Tells Nick Sharon’s Not Taking Her Meds

Young And The Restless: Chelsea leans into Adam and hugs him

Young And The Restless: Chelsea leans into Adam and hugs him

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Monday, July 29 reveals Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) and Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) will get great news.

Also coming up, Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) will grill Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope). Plus, Sharon Newman (Sharon Case) and Daniel Romalotti (Michael Graziadei) will discuss their painful past. And Faith Newman (Reylynn Caster) will make a startling claim to Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow).

Y&R spoilers tease Sharon will see a vision of Cassie again. “Cassie, I miss you so much, I wish you were real,” she’ll say. The vision will disappear and Sharon will grab her purse and head out. She’ll end up at Society and Daniel will ask if she’s okay and if there’s anything he can do.

“Nothing short of time travel would help at this point,” Sharon will reply. “Cassie, I miss her so much.” She’ll admit that everywhere she goes lately, she’s reminded of her. “I am so sorry,” Daniel will say. Then he’ll ask her to be honest. “Knowing the role I played in the accident, is it hard for you to even talk to me?”

Y&R Daily Scoop – Sharon’s Been Reexperiencing Emotions

Sharon will admit she’s been reexperiencing the emotions. “My choices that night, they still haunt me,” Daniel will say. He’ll add that what Sharon’s going through is just proof of what an impact Cassie’s life had. “It’s a direct reflection of how much you loved her.”

Y&R Scoop: Sharon cries as she talks to Daniel about Cassie

Sharon will leave as Lucy Romalotti (Lily Brooks O’Briant) arrives. Daniel will grill her about the pool party and how she got home. She’ll get irritated but Daniel will say it’s important that she didn’t accept a ride with someone who was drinking. Then Lucy will ask why he was talking to Sharon. “Dad, you really don’t think I know about Cassie?”

She’ll say she knows everything that happened and she’ll ask why he didn’t tell her. Daniel will say when he thinks about it, it hurts too much. “That accident, Cassie’s loss, that is something that I deeply regret to this day, and I always will.” Lucy will say it must be really weird that she’s the same age Cassie was when she died.

At Chancellor Park, Faith will tell her dad her mom seems kind of checked out and she’s worried. But Nick will say Sharon’s going to get through this. However, Faith’s not so sure. “She literally stares at nothing,” she’ll tell him.

Nick will explain that Sharon’s new meds and her work schedule may be causing it. “From what Mariah says she’s barely at the office,” Faith will reply. “As for her meds, I’m not sure she’s even taking them.” She’ll add her mom doesn’t even open her pill bottle and it’s happened more than once.

They’ll continue discussing Sharon, until they see her walking towards them. She’ll ask if she’s interrupting something. Nick will ask if her meds are starting to balance out. “I feel terrific, all back to normal,” Sharon will lie.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Billy Asks Sally If She Believes Adam

Meanwhile, Chelsea will show up at Adam’s office for a video chat with Connor Newman’s (Judah Mackey) doctor. They’ll both be worried, but the doctor will say Connor is doing really well. They’re recommending he transfer to outpatient treatment in Genoa City. “You mean he’s coming home?” Chelsea will say.

Y&R Scoop: Billy and Sally discuss Chelsea and Adam

The doctor will tell them they believe being home will be most beneficial to Connor. “How soon can we come get him?” Adam will ask. As Adam makes a call to get the jet refueled, Chelsea will worry they’ll mess it up. “Our boy is coming home to us!” Adam will say.

Then they’ll call their son and tell him they’re coming to get him today. Connor will be excited and say he’d better get packing. After they hang up, Adam will tell Chelsea Connor should stay with her when he returns.

At Crimson Lights, Chelsea and Adam’s partners will run into each other. Billy will say Adam admitted he lost his cool with Chelsea in Baltimore and Sally will say it’s been weighing on him. “Do you believe that?” Billy will ask her. She’ll say he feels terrible but Billy will say maybe there’s something else he’s trying to hide.

“It’s not just Adam, it’s Chelsea too.” He’ll add that he thinks there’s more at play. He’ll suggest the four of them sit down together and talk it out. “We just gotta let ’em know that there’s no secrets, we’ll just clear the air of any secrets, doubts.”

Finally, Adam and Chelsea will walk in and Billy suggest the four of them sit down, talk and clear the air. “Whatever’s going on, you gotta trust that we can handle it.” But Adam will tell him they’re heading to Baltimore, Connor’s coming home. So, Billy will say he knows how long it takes to get a jet ready and they should all have a chat before they head out.

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