Young And The Restless Scoop April 5: Adam And Chelsea Are To Blame For Connor’s Triggers – Billy Suggests Lily Run The Company With Him

Young And The Restless: Adam and Chelsea cry over Connor

Young And The Restless: Adam and Chelsea cry over Connor

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Friday, April 5 reveals Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) and Chelsea Newman (Melissa Claire Egan) will be devastated.

Also coming up, Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) will encounter Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope). Plus, Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) will tell Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) his big plans for Chancellor Winters.

Y&R spoilers tease Sally will tell Nick she’s happy he and Adam are getting along. Talk will turn to business and Sally’s flailing company. Nick will say he’s sorry his father didn’t come around to the idea of folding it into Newman. But Sally will admit she wonders if making the switch to interior design wasn’t a mistake. “Maybe I should have just stuck with what I know, fashion.”

Y&R Daily Scoop – A Scared Connor Applies Hand Sanitizer

In the limo on their way home, Adam will tell Chelsea if she’s thinking Connor Newman’s (Judah Mackey) going to call her, he’s not. “I just thought, if there was a problem,” she’ll reply. “If there’s a problem?” Adam will ask. “There is no if here Chelsea, there is a problem.”

Y&R Scoop: A sad Connor sits outside his school

But Chelsea will tell Adam not to make her the enemy. “I hate this too!” she’ll whine. Once Chelsea gets out of the limo, Adam will hear Connor’s voice in his head and he’ll tell the driver he’s not heading straight home. Then he’ll knock on Sally’s hotel room door.

“Weren’t you planning to be gone for like a week or so, why are you back already?” Sally will ask Adam. “They made us leave,” a tearful Adam will reply. She’ll ask why. Adam will tell her Connor had his first session and he and Chelsea were briefed on the conclusions.

“They blamed everything on us,” he’ll continue. “According to them, we are the triggers for our son.” He’ll say they claim it came from Connor but he’s not buying it. Sally will tell him he needs to give his mind a chance to clear and Adam will ask if his son is better off with out him.

Meanwhile, Connor will sit on a bench outside the facility. He’ll have a tortured and scared look on his face as he pulls a huge container of hand sanitizer out of his backpack and applies it to his hands.

At Chancellor-Winters, Billy will tell Lily he wants to protect his mother’s legacy, but he’s not there as a placeholder for her. But Lily will say she wants to know what’s in it for him, not Jill Abbott (Jess Walton). He’ll say he understands the company now, better than he did before.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Billy’s Big Plans For The Company

“I’m not going to get bored like Devon predicted, I see a future where Chancellor-Winters soars to new heights,” Billy will add. “Me and you, side by side, running the whole damn place, the way it was meant to be.” Lily will start laughing. “This is classic Billy Abbott, go big or go home,” she’ll reply, reminding him he’s not calling the shots there.

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“Devon is not going to go for that,” she’ll add. Billy will say he understands her reluctance and her loyalty to her brother. But he believes Devon Winters (Bryton James) is a lone wolf who doesn’t play well with others.

“He is holding this company back, he’s conservative, he’s not a dreamer,” Billy will add. “With you and me in charge, we can bring this company to new heights, we can do it together.”

Finally, Chelsea will walk in and she and Billy will head to Crimson Lights to discuss how it went in Baltimore. She’ll say it was encouraging at first, until the doctors strongly encouraged them to leave and let their team take over. According to them, Chelsea and Adam are the triggers for their son’s OCD.

But Billy will ask why the doctor’s would think that. “Because that’s what Connor told them,” a weepy Chelsea will reply. “My psychotic breakdown caused him all of this trauma and guilt. His OCD has convinced him my suicide attempt was his fault.”

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One Thought to “Young And The Restless Scoop April 5: Adam And Chelsea Are To Blame For Connor’s Triggers – Billy Suggests Lily Run The Company With Him”

  1. Anonymous

    I hope Adam and Chelse come together for Connor. Stop blaming each other. Conner needs them.

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