Bold And The Beautiful Scoop May 22 To 26: Hope Stunned By Liam’s Accusation About Thomas – Steffy Hears An Earful – Taylor Wants Answers From Brooke

Bold And The Beautiful: Liam tells Hope Thomas isn't the one he's worried about

Bold And The Beautiful: Liam tells Hope Thomas isn't the one he's worried about

The Bold And The Beautiful (B&B) scoop for the week of May 22 reveals Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) will realize Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) isn’t the one he should be concerned about.

Also coming up, Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) will witness another moment between her brother and Hope Spencer (Annika Noelle). Plus, Bill  Spencer (Don Diamont) offers his son some advice. And Taylor Hayes (Krista Allen) presses Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang) for answers.

B&B spoilers tease Taylor is going to face off with her bestie about how she really views Thomas. Brooke has danced around the topic of Taylor’s son for weeks now. She’s told her she hopes, for her daughter’s sake, that Thomas has changed. But will she admit how she really feels when Taylor confronts her ?

B&B Weekly Scoop – Steffy Listens In On Their Chat

Meanwhile, Liam will lament his intolerable situation to his father. He’ll also tell Bill he’s becoming increasingly uncomfortable with Hope and Thomas working side by side together. “Keep your eyes on Thomas,” Bill tells Liam in the B&B weekly preview. “And any feelings he might have for your wife.”

B&B Scoop: Steffy eavesdrops on Hope and Thomas

Over at Forrester Creations, Steffy will will get an earful, as she eavesdrops on her brother’s conversation with Hope. “There are feelings between us,” Thomas will say to Hope, as Steffy listens in. And it seems like Hope won’t disagree with him.

Because Steffy will decide to sound the alarm to her ex-husband, when he drops by the cliff house. “I can’t ignore what I saw,” she’ll say to Liam and he’ll ask her if something happened between them. Then she’ll him about the two incidents she’s witnessed between Hope and Thomas.

Bold And The Beautiful Scoop – Will Hope Hide The Truth?

Finally, a stunned Liam will return to the cabin and express his concerns to Hope once again. However, she’ll say there’s nothing to be anxious about – Thomas has his head on straight this time.

“He’s not the one I should be worried about,” Liam will reply. “You are.” But will Hope come clean with Liam about her feelings for Thomas? Or will she continue to hide the truth from her husband?

It looks like a great week is coming up! Keep reading The Soap Scoop, your source for the latest soap opera spoilers and B&B spoilers and news. And make sure you join our free Facebook Group. But if you miss an episode, don’t fret. You can watch The Bold And The Beautiful online at

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