Young And The Restless Scoop July 25: Summer Prevents Kyle From Taking Harrison To Paris – Abby Gets Cold Feet And Advice From Ashley

Young And The Restless: Summer hands Kyle a court order

Young And The Restless: Summer hands Kyle a court order

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Thursday, July 25 reveals Summer Newman (Allison Lanier) will get a court order to stop Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) from taking their son out of the country.

Also coming up, Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) will tell Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins) she’s leaving Paris. Plus, Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway) will have second thoughts. And Devon Winters (Bryton James) have news for Victor Newman (Eric Braeden).

Y&R spoilers tease Devon will pay Victor a visit and tell him he asked Abby to marry him. “But I realized I did that without speaking to you first.” Of course, Victor will approve and he’ll be impressed that Devon came to him personally. “Your father would be proud of the man you’ve become.”

Meanwhile, Abby will video chat with her mom. Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) will say she’s making good progress. Abby will tell her Devon proposed and she said yes. Ashley will say she’s happy for her. But Abby will say now that the shock has worn off, she may be having second thoughts.

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Ashley will ask why she’s doubting his proposal. “I’ve been here before, all of my failed marriages,” she’ll reply. Abby will also worry that if she and Devon get married it could ruin everything. But Ashley will talk her down, as usual.

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In Paris, Traci will show up at she and Alan’s club. He’ll see her suitcase and she’ll tell him she’s leaving, a Hollywood producer has optioned one of her books. Traci will apologize for leaving so suddenly and he’ll ask if she’s coming back. Traci will say of course she is. But she’ll be in LA for about a week and then she’s going to visit her family in Genoa City.

So, she’ll ask what he’s going to be up to. And she’ll be shocked when Alan says he canceled his speaking engagements because he wanted to spend time with her. “These last weeks have been amazing, I’m sorry to see you go,” Alan will tell her. So, Traci will ask if he’s ever been to LA and she’ll invite him to come with her. “How much time do I have to pack?” he’ll reply.

At the Abbott estate, Claire will ask Kyle how long they’re going to be in Paris, just as Summer walks in. She’ll tell them to feel free to do the whole American in Paris thing. “But I’m afraid Harrison won’t be joining you.” Summer will tell him another judge granted her temporary permanent custody. Claire will head upstairs to check on Harrison Locke (Redding Munsell) as they argue.

“You and your lawyer went behind my back to make it look like I was trying to steal my son?” Kyle will ask. “I can’t believe you would deny Harrison this opportunity, and all because of your misguided mistrust of Audra and Claire.”

Summer will ask if he thought she’d just sit back and do nothing while he took off with Harrison. But Kyle will ask Summer if she just doesn’t want Harrison to become close with a woman other than her. “Are you really that insecure?” However, Summer will say it has everything to do with being a good parent.

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She’ll ask him if she’s just supposed to smile while he takes Harrison away with two women she doesn’t trust. So, Kyle will call his own lawyer and arrange to meet. “You’re not getting away with this Summer,” he’ll tell  her as he takes off.

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Claire will come back downstairs and Summer will say none of that was an attack on her. Claire will hand Summer one of Harrison’s drawings. It’s of he, Kyle and Claire in front of the Eiffel Tower. “Mommy, I wish you could come too,” it’ll say. Claire will add that Harrison has been so excited about the trip. “I’ll leave it to Kyle to explain why he’s not going to Paris,” Summer will reply.

As for Kyle, he’ll head to Society, order a double whiskey and say hello to Abby. She’ll excitedly tell him she’s engaged. Kyle will quip that he’ll hook her up with a divorce lawyer. “That’s how most marriages end anyway.” Then he’ll predict that all her dreams of wedded bliss will come crashing down around her.

Luckily, Victor and Devon will arrive and Abby will escape from killjoy Kyle. Victor will say he’s happy for her and he’ll order some champagne. Then he’ll toast to she and Devon’s happiness.

Finally, Kyle’s lawyer will arrive and he’ll ask if there’s anything he can do about the court order. He’ll say there isn’t. “The thought of telling Harrison, he’s going to be crushed,” Kyle will reply. “All because Summer is being selfish and vindictive. Well two can play at that game.”

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