Young And The Restless Scoop July 18: Phyllis Convinces Summer To File For Custody – Nikki Asks Adam If He’s Threatening Her – Claire Considers Kyle’s Offer

Young And The Restless: Summer talks to Phyllis about Audra

Young And The Restless: Summer talks to Phyllis about Audra

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Thursday, July 18 reveals Summer Newman (Allison Lanier) will decide to file for custody of Harrison Locke (Redding Munsell).

Also coming up, Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) and Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) will disagree. Plus Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) will interrupt Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) and Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope). And Claire Grace (Hayley Erin) will tell Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) she’ll think about his offer.

Y&R spoilers tease Adam will walk into his old Newman Media office, only to find Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) sitting at his desk. He’ll tell his father if all he’s looking for is an attack dog, then they can just end this, before it starts.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Nikki Arrives With Her Signature Scowl

Adam will add that once he acclimatizes himself to the company, he’ll do his bidding. Victor will say that’s fine, but he has one caveat. “What is it you want – blood, a limb?” Adam will ask. But Victor will say he wants him to write a glowing article about Glissade.

Y&R Scoop: Nikki scowls at Adam and Sally

After Victor departs, Sally will arrive. She’ll apologize for doubting him and hand him a gift.  It’s a Happy New Year plaque. They’ll joke around about their first New Year’s Eve together. “I will always have your back Adam,” she’ll say. “But I’m not going to keep quiet if I disagree with what’s going on.” Adam will tell her he wouldn’t expect her to and they’ll start kissing.

Then Nikki will knock softly and they’ll look at the doorway and see her standing there, her signature scowl on her face. “I’m so glad my company is in such capable hands,” she’ll say, snidely. As if she wasn’t sneaking a gulp from her hidden flask every few minutes when she was in charge.

Nevertheless, she’ll sneer at Sally and ask to have a word with Adam alone. Nikki will tell Adam she thinks he knows what Victor is up to. But he’ll deny it. “Don’t get too comfortable,” she’ll reply. “I will be returning.”

Adam will tell her Victor has a plan for him after this temporary gig. But he won’t give him any details.  “That makes me uneasy and I might be reluctant to a cede control.“ Nikki will ask him if he’s threatening her but he’ll say it’s merely a suggestion. “That you convince Victor to tell you his plans for my future.”

Meanwhile, Kyle will ask Harrison if he’d like to go to Paris. Claire will send the boy to the kitchen and tell Kyle she’s not sure if going to Paris is a good idea. But Kyle will tell her it’ll be an adventure. However, Claire will be worried about how Summer will react.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Phyllis Gives Nick The Stink Eye

Kyle will say Summer questions everything he does and Harrison is picking up on the friction. So, it’d be nice to take him away from that for a while. He’ll ask Claire again if she’ll go and she’ll say she’s going to think about it.

Y&R Scoop: Phyllis gives Nick the stink eye

At Society, Phyllis will continue to badmouth Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) to Summer. She’ll tell her daughter Audra is nothing but Tucker McCall’s (Trevor St. John) sleaze ball wing woman. “You want Harrison near that?” she’ll ask her daughter. “No! Of course not!” Summer will reply.

Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) will show up and once again serve as the voice of reason. Summer will tell her dad Kyle is threatening to take Harrison to Paris, on a trip with Claire and Audra Charles. Phyllis will say Summer’s concerned about Harrison being around Audra.

But Nick will tell his daughter she better think long and hard before she starts a custody battle. “Are you sure this is what you want?” he’ll ask. Summer will say she doesn’t want to but Kyle is all about chaos lately and it’s not good for Harrison.

Phyllis will tell her they’ll stand behind her, whatever she decides. So, Summer will tell her parents she’s going to call her lawyer. “I hope that a pending custody trial will prevent Kyle from taking Harrison out of the country.”

Finally, after their daughter leaves, Nick will ask why Phyllis is encouraging this. He’ll say Audra’s not a threat and Phyllis doesn’t know that she’d even be a part of Harrison’s life. Then Phyllis will give him the stink eye. “The best thing, for everyone,” Nick will say. “Is to deescalate the situation before it gets worse.” But is it already too late?

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