Young And The Restless Scoop July 10: Kyle Reminds Summer She’s Not Harrison’s Biological Mother – Lucy Learns A Disturbing Fact About Her Dad

Young And The Restless: Summer and Kyle argue about Harrison

Young And The Restless: Summer and Kyle argue about Harrison

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Wednesday, July 10 reveals Summer Newman (Allison Lanier) and Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will get into a heated argument.

Also coming up, Sharon Newman (Sharon Case) will talk to Lucy Romalotti (Lily Brooks O’Briant) about Cassie. Plus Daniel Romalotti (Michael Graziadei) will be reminded of his past. And Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) will make an admission to Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic).

Y&R spoilers tease Nate will tell Audra he’s impressed but he wonders why she would partner up with another ex-lover. “I can handle Kyle,” she’ll reply. Nate will ask why she’d hire a man she has such a complicated history with. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost say you’re jealous,” Audra will tell him. But she’ll also make an admission.

“It’s day one and I’m already under attack.” She’ll add the attack is coming directly from inside the c-suite, and she could use his advice. “I have one idea on how to deal with Kyle Abbott,” Nate will reply. “Fire his ass before he takes you down.” But Audra will say it can’t happen. “He was hand picked for the job by my investor.”

Y&R Daily Scoop – Sharon Says There’s Nothing To Worry About

Meanwhile, Heather Stevens (Vail Bloom) will tell Daniel her inability to find a job could be a sign. “Maybe it’s time for me to go back to Portugal.” He’ll ask where it’s coming from and Heather will say since she’s not working, it’s time for her to visit her dad. So, Daniel will suggest the three of them should go.

Y&R Scoop: Sharon talks to Faith about Cassie

At her cottage, Sharon will take Cassie’s scrapbook and get teary-eyed. There’ll be a knock on the door. It’s Lucy, asking if  Faith Newman (Reylynn Caster) is home. Sharon will say she’s out and Lucy will look at the scrapbook and assume they’re pictures of Mariah Copeland (Camryn Grimes).

But Sharon will say it’s Mariah’s twin, Cassie, who died in a car crash when she was 14. Faith will arrive and Lucy will give her a bracelet she got for her. “I was wondering if we can hang out?” she’ll ask. Faith will say she’ll text her later. “Mom, I’ve gotta ask, why were you looking at Cassie’s scrapbook?” Faith will ask, after Lucy leaves.

Sharon will say their conversation the other day made her think a little more about the past. “Everything’s fine, nothing to worry about.” She’ll say thinking about Cassie is a good thing. However, after Faith leaves, Sharon will go through the scrapbook again. She’ll find a photo of her, Cassie and Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) and put it in her purse.

At the Abbott estate, Summer will storm in and ask Kyle if it’s true. “You’re moving and you didn’t tell me.” Then she’ll say she just saw the Glissade press release and he’s not taking Harrison Locke (Redding Munsell) to Paris. “I’m not moving Harrison to Paris, I’m just moving out of the house,” an exasperated Kyle will reply.

Summer will say Harrison has had enough upheaval in his life but Kyle will tell her Harrison’s excited to move. Plus, she doesn’t get a say about where he lives. She’ll tell Kyle she gets a say in where Harrison lives. But Summer will get angry when Kyle adds that he saw her brother and he asked him to be compassionate with her.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Lucy Shocked By Her Mom’s News

She’ll tell her ex-husband he’s been making some horrible decisions and he’s practically handing her a case for primary custody. However, Kyle will quickly remind her she’s not even Harrison’s biological mother. “So, come after me for custody,” he’ll add. You. Will. Fail.”

Y&R Scoop: Lucy has a disturbed look on her face

Summer will tell Kyle she’s Harrison’s mother in every way. “But you’re not his biological mother,” Kyle will repeat. But their bitter argument will come to an end when Claire Grace (Hayley Erin) walks into the room. So, Summer will storm out and head to Crimson Lights to confront her brother.

She’ll ask Daniel why he would talk to Kyle about her. But Daniel will think she’s taking things too far by threatening a custody battle. “If Kyle’s not going to listen to me, what choice do I have?” she’ll ask Daniel, and if she has to fight for her son, she’s going to.

Then Sharon will walk in and ask what’s going on. Summer will leave and Sharon will tell Daniel she’s glad she ran into him. “Lucy stopped by to see Faith. She saw my photos of Cassie and it was clear that she didn’t know the history.”  So, she’ll tell Daniel she didn’t say anything to Lucy and he’ll be grateful. He’ll say not sure if she’d be ready to hear about her dad’s guilt.

Finally, as Lucy and Heather are walking into the GCAC, she’ll mention Sharon was looking at photos of her late daughter and she felt sorry for her. “Cassie’s death was terribly tragic,” Heather will reply. “It’s taken your dad a long time to get past what happened.”

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One Thought to “Young And The Restless Scoop July 10: Kyle Reminds Summer She’s Not Harrison’s Biological Mother – Lucy Learns A Disturbing Fact About Her Dad”

  1. Anonymous

    All the storylines stink. I really cant watch this mess everyday. And its ashame cause I have been watch this show since 1973 and I can really say Im almost done watching it. All the storylines are lame. Maybe I will try watching this show in acouple of months

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