Young And The Restless Scoop July 4: Adam And Chelsea’s Passion Explodes – Jack Tells Victor To Stay Away From His Son – Kyle Asks Jack To Fire Diane

Young And The Restless: Adam and Chelsea sleep together

Young And The Restless: Adam and Chelsea sleep together

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Thursday, July 4 reveals Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) and Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) will cheat on their significant others.

Also coming up, Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) and Victor Newman’s decades-long feud will heat up. Plus, Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will continue to taunt Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters). And Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) will suggest to Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) that they surprise Adam and Chelsea.

Y&R spoilers tease Jack will barge into Victor’s office and slam the door. “My son, you stay away from him!” he’ll shout. “Your son hates you and you blame me?” Victor will say. “Get out!” Jack will tell him to call security but Victor will say he easily could throw him out himself.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Jack Reminds Victor That He Saved Nikki

So, Jack will tell him to go ahead. If he wants to come at someone, come at him and leave his wife and son alone. “Enough with this misguided anger at what happened with Nikki in that hotel room.” He’ll remind The Mustache he’s the one who saved Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) and Victor won’t forgive him for it. “You come after me and me alone, or there will be hell to pay.”

Y&R Scoop: An angry Jack confronts Victor

But Victor will say if he does come after him, he won’t see it coming. So, Jack will storm out and see Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) getting off the elevator. Nick will say Jack was really riled up and he’ll want to know what’s going on. “That guy is delusional, he thinks he can pick a fight with me and win,” Victor will reply.

Meanwhile, Diane will try to convince Kyle not to move out of the Abbott estate. She’ll add that his son loves it there and beg Kyle not to take him away. “How dare you use Harrison as ammunition against me?” he’ll reply. But Diane will say she’s thinking of what’s best for his grandson.

“Can’t we at least try to heal this rift between us?” she’ll ask. But Kyle will say he’ll thank her very soon for ripping his birthright out from under him. “Why are you being so hateful?” Diane will ask. “Has your ego really been so wounded?” Then Kyle will say nothing  is going to change his mind about moving out  and getting away from her.

Jack will arrive home and Kyle will smile and ask if he just saw Victor. Jack won’t understand why he’d want to work for him. He’s his son and he loves him and would anything for him. “If that’s the case, prove it,” Kyle will say. “Fire mom or at least give me the job I deserve.” But Jack will say he won’t let him manipulate him into another corporate reshuffle.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Sally Wants To Surprise Them

“I was hoping for a minute there you’d make the right choice,” Kyle will reply.  He’ll head out and Jack will ask Diane if there’s something she can do to repair the rift between them. And she’ll say she’ll try to get through to Kyle. “I just will not lose my son again.”

Y&R Scoop: Sally talks to Billy

At Crimson Lights, Sally will run into Billy. She’ll say she can’t stop worrying about Adam and Billy will say he can’t stop thinking about Chelsea. They’ll talk about how they haven’t heard anything from their partners. So, Sally will realize Billy has access to a corporate jet and she’ll suggest they surprise Chelsea and Adam. But Billy will turn down the idea.

In Baltimore, Adam will come to Chelsea’s door and he’ll have a bottle of bourbon with him. “I was hoping maybe a nightcap, to calm our nerves,” he’ll suggest and Chelsea will invite him in. “Not one call Adam, not one call today from Connor’s facility,” she’ll say, as they sit on the couch and have a drink.

Chelsea will thank him for coming over. “If I can’t  help our son tonight, at least I can help his mom,” he’ll reply. They’ll keep drinking and polish off half the bottle, as they reminisce about holidays they spent with Connor. Then Chelsea wonder if he’ll even be home for Thanksgiving and she’ll start crying.

“How many holidays is our son going to have to miss because he’s in this clinic?” She’ll grab a tissue and sit on the bed. Adam will sit beside her and she’ll kiss him. So, they’ll end up tearing off each other’s clothes, as their passion erupts. But when it’s over, will they regret it?

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