Young And The Restless Scoop June 3: Sally Plans To Ask Summer To Hire Chloe – Audra Tells Tucker He’s Obsessed With Ashley – Victor Worries About Adam

Young And The Restless: Sally tells Chloe she'll talk to Summer

Young And The Restless: Sally tells Chloe she'll talk to Summer

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Monday, June 3 reveals Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) will offer to go to bat for Chloe Mitchell (Elizabeth Hendrickson).

Also coming up, Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) will worry about Adam Newman (Mark Grossman). Plus, Tucker McCall (Trevor McCall) will tell Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) he still loves her. And Ashley Abbott’s (Eileen Davidson) memories will start to return.

Y&R spoilers tease Ashley will tell Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins) she knows she met with him that week. “I stopped in at a bar and had a glass of Bordeaux, and that’s when I called you and asked you to join me,” she’ll add. “You and I were together that night, I know it happened.”

Alan will suggest they go back to the bar. “I think we should focus on that night, it might hold the key to everything,” he’ll say. So, the trio will walk into the bar and Ashley will remember where she sat. She’ll say Alan showed up and sat with her. “Do remember any part of the conversation we had?” Alan will ask.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Audra Gets The Same Response From Everyone

She’ll say they had a couple of glasses of wine and she told him about what happened with Tucker. But after that it’s just a blank. Both Ashley and Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) will ask Alan what’s going on. “The truth is Ashley, I’ve never been in this bar before in my life,” he’ll reply.

Y&R Scoop: A frustrated Audra speaks to a board member on the phone

Meanwhile, Tucker will meet with his assistant and tell her to cancel all meetings to do with Glissade. “Tell them Audra Charles no longer has any association with the company.” Then he’ll ask her to call a board meeting, to remove Audra from the board of directors.

In her hotel room, Audra will get a call from someone she was supposed to meet with. “Tucker McCall did what?” she’ll ask. “There must be some kind of misunderstanding.” But the person on the other end of the line won’t budge. Audra will make call after call and get the same response.

Back to Tucker, who will flash back to the moment he bumped into Alan. He’ll tell his assistant he ran into this guy he knew, but he seemed to lack any recognition of him whatsoever. He’ll decide to go for a walk and head to the elevator. And when the doors open, he’ll see Audra. Tucker will step inside and press the stop button. “What’s it gonna take for you to back off?” he’ll ask Audra. He’ll offer to buy her out but she’s not having it.

“I’m not going to be intimidated, but I’ll win for one simple reason – I want it more than you.” Tucker will say despite it all, he loves her. But Audra will tell him for her, it’s just about the company. “Your obsession is still with Ashley and that will never change.” And it seems Audra is right, because Tucker will head to Ashley’s apartment and knock on her door. When there’s no answer, he’ll leave her a message, saying he ran into Alan, who had no recognition of him whatsoever.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Nick Thinks It Will Make Adam Stronger

In Genoa City, Sally will meet with Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) and tell him she has good and bad news. She’ll say Chelsea Lawson’s (Melissa Claire Egan) taking a leave of absence from Marchetti and Summer Newman (Allison Lanier) wants her to fill in. Nick will be surprised but say he’s happy for her. However, he’ll ask what it means for the design company.

Y&R Scoop: Nick talks to Victor about Adam

Sally will say they just couldn’t find their footing. She’ll promise to pay him back but he’ll say she doesn’t have to. Nick will tell her businesses fail for a number of reasons. “What I want is for you to focus all of your talent and energy into Marchetti.”

Nick will head to the ranch to speak with Victor, who will say he’s worried about Adam Newman (Mark Grossman). “Adam had made wonderful progress,” Victor will say and Nick will agree. But Victor will worry that his son’s problems could lead Adam back into darkness. Nick will say he thinks he’s wrong. “Instead of breaking Adam, I think this is going to make him stronger.”

Finally, Chloe will walk into Society and Sally will apologize to her. “I am starting work at Marchetti and I will find a way to bring you in,” she’ll add. “I miss you and I do miss you giving me a hard time about Adam.” Chloe will also apologize and tell Sally she really is happy for her. “Summer really is so lucky to have you.”

Then Sally will tell Chloe that Summer may be willing to give her another chance as well. “We will convince Summer that it’s a smart creative move to hire us both.” So, she’ll send Summer a message. “Can we meet? I want to run something by you.” But is Sally making a mistake?

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