Bold And The Beautiful Poll: Will Luna Tell RJ The Truth?

Bold And The Beautiful: Luna cries as RJ holds her face

Bold And The Beautiful: Luna cries as RJ holds her face

The Bold And The Beautiful (B&B) ended with a major cliffhanger on Friday. Luna Nozawa (Lisa Yamada) seemed ready to come clean with RJ Forrester (Joshua Hoffman). But will she go through with it?

B&B spoilers tease Luna knows that telling her boyfriend about what happened with Zende Forrester (Delon de Metz) is the right thing to do. However, she’ll also have her mother and Zende’s words ringing through her head.

“Why take that risk? Don’t turn my terrible mistake into so much worse,” Poppy  Nozawa (Romy Park) told Luna. ” RJ doesn’t need to know anything about what happened last night.”

B&B Poll – Zende Told Her There’s No Reason RJ Should Know

As for Zende, he told Luna that if the truth came out it could ruin her reputation. “I respect you wanting to be truthful, but your mother’s right,” he said. “There is absolutely no reason RJ needs to know. Telling him, you will just lose him.”

B&B Poll: Zende tells Luna not to tell RJ

Understandably, Luna will be torn. She realizes that coming clean with RJ could lead to the end of their relationship. But if she keeps it a secret from him, it will eat away at her forever.

But what Luna needs to remember is that none of this was her fault. She had no clue she was ingesting drugs every time she popped a mint. And once she climbed into Zende’s bed, she literally saw RJ, and had no idea it was his cousin.

Bold And The Beautiful Poll – Chances Are Good He Will Understand

If Luna does confess, chances are good RJ would understand and wouldn’t blame her at all. If anything, he will lash out at Zende, and rightfully so. And somewhere, deep down inside, Luna must realize that.

So, what do you think? Will Luna decide to come clean with RJ? Or will she change her mind and keep what happened with Zende a secret? Vote in our poll below!

Will Luna Tell RJ The Truth?

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One Thought to “Bold And The Beautiful Poll: Will Luna Tell RJ The Truth?”

  1. Louise Considine

    Luna should not go with ZENDECell JR it wasn’t Luna fault because of the mints drugs tell JR hopefully he’ll understand

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