Young And The Restless Scoop January 23: Nikki Makes A Desperate Call To Jack – Sharon Walks In As Chance Flirts With Summer – Ashley Turns To Traci

Young And The Restless: Nikki calls Jack after being tempted to drink

Young And The Restless: Nikki calls Jack after being tempted to drink

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Tuesday, January 23 reveals Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) will clutch her flask of vodka, after speaking with Claire Grace (Hayley Erin).

Also coming up, Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) and Summer Newman (Allison Lanier) are officially divorced. Plus, Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) will turn to Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland). And Sharon Newman (Sharon Case) will walk in at an awkward moment.

Y&R spoilers tease even though Ashley purports to be afraid of Tucker, she’ll show up at his hotel room door. “I know what you’re doing,” she’ll tell him. “You are gaslighting me.” But Tucker will tell her to listen to herself. “I can tell you right now I have never been motivated by the need to inflict harm on others and never on someone I love.” He’ll suggest she go to Paris and ask the staff at the bistro what happened that day. “I think you’ll be surprised what they tell you.”

Y&R Daily Scoop – Sharon Sees Them Sitting Together

An upset Ashley will leave and return home. She’ll flash back to the scene, as she remembers it, at the Paris bistro. She’ll cry and Traci will walk in and ask her what’s wrong. And Ashley will tell her Tucker’s gaslighting her. But Traci will ask what Tucker has to gain by doing that. As the sisters discuss the issue, Ashley will say she knows of a way she can find out the truth.

Y&R Scoop: Sharon sees Summer and Chance flirting

At Crimson Lights, Summer will run into Kyle. They’ll say it’s strange seeing each other on the day their divorce was finalized. Summer will ask him if he’s going to be co-CEO of Jabot, now that Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) has left. But he’ll tell her the job is going to his mom. “I’m happy for my mom, it was the right call for my father to make,” he’ll say, admitting some disappointment. However, he’ll add he’s ready for the job when it comes his way.

Then Chance Chancellor (Conner Floyd) will arrive and Summer will fuss over his suit, telling him it looks perfect. When Chance goes to the counter for coffee, Kyle will smile slyly at Summer. “Somebody’s got a crush,” he’ll say. But Summer will say it’s probably just her pride at doing such a job helping Chance with his style. “It’s good to see you smile like that again,” Kyle will tell her.

After Kyle heads out, Chance and Summer will sit together, flirting and gossiping about work. As Summer is giggling, Sharon will walk in and make a face. But she’ll pull herself together and say hello. Then Summer will take a call and Sharon will ask how he’s doing and how they’re doing. He’ll say he’s fine, their breakup was amicable. And Sharon will say she has a favor to ask. “Don’t get all awkward with me.”

Young And The Restless Scoop – Diane Still Wants It To be Kyle

Meanwhile, Claire Grace (Hayley Erin) will ask Nikki why she’s there and why she doesn’t hate her. “You can’t help but be a product of your upbringing,” Nikki will reply. “The question is, do you want to get better?” But Claire will say what she needs is for someone to answer her question. “Am I inherently evil?” she’ll ask Nikki. But Nikki will tell her she’s not and she’ll remind Claire that they saved each other’s lives.

Y&R Scoop: Diane smiles at Jack

Then Claire will tell Nikki she can now walk around the hospital with staff and she loves the pediatric ward. Claire will wonder what her childhood could have been like. “Jordan was all I had. If I had a mother who loved me,” she’ll say. “If someone had seen me for me, things would be so different.”

Nikki will say it’d be wonderful if they could go back and get a second chance. “But all we have is the here and now, so we have to find a way to break free of the past.” Later, Nikki will be shaken up after her visit with Claire. So, she’ll head to Chancellor Park and take the flask out of her purse.

Finally, Jack will show Diane the press release about her promotion. But she’ll say she still thinks it should be Kyle. Jack will tell her they need to take Kyle at his word, that he’s where he wants to be. Kyle will arrive and they’ll brainstorm about Jabot. But their meeting will be interrupted, when Jack gets a call. “Nikki, are you all right?” he’ll ask. “Jack, I’m in trouble, I need help,” she’ll reply.

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