Young And The Restless Scoop December 26: Nikki Saves Claire – Jordan Is Taken Away In Handcuffs

Young And The Restless: Nikki embraces Claire

Young And The Restless: Nikki embraces Claire

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Tuesday, December 26 reveals Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) will get the better of Aunt Jordan (Colleen Zenk).

Also coming up, Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle), Cole Howard (J. Eddie Peck) and Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) will worry about Nikki and Claire Grace (Hayley Erin). Plus, Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) will take action.

Y&R spoilers tease Victor will desperately look for Nikki. “Your mother hasn’t been seen since she left the club last night,” he’ll tell Victoria and Nick. They’ll say they can’t believe Nikki would disappear on Christmas Eve. But Victor will say there could be one reason. “Your mother may be drinking again.”

Y&R Daily Scoop – Victoria And Cole Debate About Claire’s Role

He’ll add he was approached by Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) at the club, who suggested it. Nick will tell him Nate can’t be trusted. But Victoria will say he wouldn’t lie about something like that. Still, Nick won’t want to believe it. “I don’t believe that’s why mom disappeared,” he’ll say. “It has to be Jordan.”

Y&R Scoop: Victoria talks to Cole about Claire

So, Victor will walk over to the liquor cabinet and take a sip out of the vodka bottle. “It’s mostly water,” he’ll tell them. Cole will arrive and Victoria will find Nikki’s purse in the side of the sofa. There’s a note inside, in her mother’s handwriting. “72 Dockside Lane, Williams Bay,” she’ll say. “I know that address,” Cole will reply. “I’ve been there.” And he’ll tell them his mom took him there when he was a kid.

Nick will say he’s going to call the police and Victor will tell him that’s a good idea. Victoria will ask why Nikki would go anywhere alone to meet Jordan. “Has it occurred to you that she’s trying to find your daughter?” Victor will reply. Then Nick and Victor will head out to find Nikki.

After they leave, Victoria and Cole will debate whether Claire was in on this current plan with Jordan. “I don’t believe there’s any way she would ever turn back,” Victoria will say. “You don’t believe that Claire wants to hurt us, do you?” She’ll also suggest that Jordan wants Claire to suffer like the rest of them.

Meanwhile, a drunk Nikki will stumble inside a deserted shack. Jordan will ask if she’s alone and she’ll say no one followed her. She’ll call her a sloppy drunk and ask how many years of Nikki’s sobriety she ruined. “Shut up and take me to Claire,” Nikki will reply. Jordan will ask why she came here alone and unarmed. But Nikki will say she’s doing it for Victoria. “You raised Claire for 25 years, there must have been some love.” Then she’ll implore Jordan to let Claire go.

Young And The Restless Scoop – A Defiant Jordan Is Led Away By Police

“Can you even hear yourself? Slurring? Begging?” Jordan will ask. But Nikki will tell Jordan her sister already got back at her and Victor. And she’ll ask Jordan if she’s going to kill her. “I told you it was a trade, Claire’s life for yours,” she’ll reply. Nikki will say she needs a drink and Jordan will tell her she’s got a bottle and she’ll promise it isn’t poisoned. Nikki will chug from the bottle and ask if Claire is even there. Jordan will say she is. Then she’ll wheel her out.

Y&R Scoop: Aunt Jordan taken away in handcuffs

She’ll tell Nikki to drink up and savor it, because it’ll be her last. However, as Jordan leans over Claire, Nikki will smash the bottle over her head. She’ll try to get Claire to stand up so they can escape. But Jordan will get up from the floor and shove Nikki to the ground. They’ll struggle and Claire will grab the gun. “Which one of us are you going to kill?” Jordan will ask.

Claire will tell Jordan to let go of Nikki.. “Don’t do this, don’t turn on me now,” Jordan will reply. “You owe these people nothing, they threw you away.” But Claire will be defiant and tell her aunt she deserves to die for what she did. So, Jordan will tell her to go ahead and pull the trigger. “Or are you too weak?” Nikki will be fed up and will push Jordan into the table. Then she’ll take the gun from Claire’s hand, embrace her and tell her it’s going to be all right.

The police will arrive and cuff the villain. “You broke my heart,” Jordan will tell Claire, as she’s hauled away. But Nikki will tell the police to get her out of their sight.

Finally, Victor and Nick will show up and embrace Nikki. “It’s over, please take me home,” she’ll say. Victor will ask his wife if Claire is okay. “If it weren’t for her I wouldn’t be here,” she’ll reply and turn to Claire. “Victor and I and Cole and Victoria will never let her near you again.” Then Claire will tell them she’s sorry. “I’m so sorry for everything.”

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