Young And The Restless Scoop September 15: Audra Gives Kyle The Brush Off – Tucker Is Furious – A Tearful Ashley Confides In Jack

Young And The Restless: An awkward moment ensues between Tucker, Audra and Kyle

Young And The Restless: An awkward moment ensues between Tucker, Audra and Kyle

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Friday, September 15 reveals Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will encounter Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) with Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John).

Also coming up, Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) will tell Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) she’s through with Tucker. Plus, Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) will ask Kyle to do some digging. And Jack will thank Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters).

Y&R spoilers tease Kyle will walk into the GCAC and spot Audra and Tucker. So, he’ll ask him where Ashley is. Tucker will say Ashley decided to stay a little longer in Paris. When Tucker leaves, Kyle will tell Audra he didn’t realize she and Tucker still spent time together. “You know, I have a meeting I should go to,” Audra will reply. Kyle will point out he’s in the same meeting and it doesn’t start for a while. “I can think of a good way to spend that time,” he’ll suggest. But she’ll brush him off, saying she has some calls to make.

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Billy will arrive and he will tell his nephew that Audra and Tucker have some sort of relationship. “There’s something going on, something not good and that means we should be all on alert.” Then he’ll ask Kyle to do a little digging with Audra. “Not happening Billy,” Kyle will instantly reply. But Billy will point out Tucker could be plotting against Jabot. Kyle will lie and say he and Audra aren’t seeing each other anymore. “I don’t see a way that Audra would confide in me.”

Y&R Scoop: Abby talks with Tucker and Devon

Speaking of Tucker, he’ll arrive at the Chancellor estate and Devon Winters (Bryton James) will tell him Abby is worried about Ashley, who hasn’t been responding to her calls or texts. So, he’ll ask him what happened in Paris. “Everything went wrong,” Tucker will admit to Devon. “Things were said, accusations were made, I don’t think we can roll it back.”

But Devon will say couples fight all the time and he’ll ask if he did something to Ashley. Tucker will deny it and say he did everything right this time. He’ll flashback to when Ashley told him they wouldn’t be working together but they’d still be husband and wife. “You’d rather share your life with Jabot, not me,” he replied. Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway) will arrive and say she talked to her mother, who said their marriage was over. But she shouldn’t worry about her, she should worry about what Tucker will do. “Ashley’s right about one thing,” Tucker will reply. “It’s over, I’m done.”

When Tucker returns to the GCAC, he’ll run into Billy in the lobby. Billy will tell him Ashley’s always been unpredictable and he still feels he’s the most level headed person to run Jabot. Then Tucker will return to his room and leave Ashley an angry voicemail.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Ashley Tells Jack Everything

Meanwhile, Jack will get a call from Ashley and he’ll ask why she’s still in Paris and Tucker is in Genoa City. “Because it’s all changed,” she’ll reply. “Everything has changed.” She’ll say she realized she couldn’t walk away from Jabot and her family. “When I started to express to him that I didn’t want to start a business with him he got so incredibly angry.” Then she had this moment of clarity. “That charming, easy going, loving Tucker was just a façade,” Ashley will tell her brother. “I don’t think he’s really changed at all.”

Y&R Scoop: A tearful Ashley speaks on the phone to Jack

Diane will walk in and Jack will tell her Ashley wants to return to Jabot and Tucker scared her. “For months I’ve been telling her it was going to come to this,” Jack will add. “At least now my sister is on the same page.” But Diane will say at least he and Ashley are in a better place. And Jack will thank her again for saving Ashley’s life. “You made this reconciliation possible.”

Finally, Billy will show up and Jack will tell him Ashley wants to come back to Jabot. “And when she told Tucker, he apparently lost his mind,” Diane will add. But she’ll ask how he seemed to Billy, who will say he was restrained but his eyes were angry. Billy will tell them Tucker is a legitimate threat. “And we have to be ready,” Jack will reply. “We have to stop him from destroying everything and everyone that we love.”

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