Young And The Restless Scoop August 29: Ashley Is Amazed After Diane Saves Her Life – Jack Offends Billy – Baby Aria Has A Hearing Defect

Young And The Restless: Diane saves Ashley from choking

Young And The Restless: Diane saves Ashley from choking

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) Scoop for Tuesday, August 29 reveals Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters) will come through for Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson).

Also coming up, Mariah Copeland (Camryn Grimes) and Tessa Porter (Cait Fairbanks) will learn what’s causing their baby’s hearing loss. Plus, Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) will cause issues between the Abbott brothers.

Y&R spoilers tease Devon Winters (Bryton James) will offer to help Mariah and Tessa in any way that he can. He’ll say he didn’t lose his hearing until he was a teen. He could still talk and communicate, he just couldn’t hear anything. The audiologist will arrive and Devon will recognize her. He’ll leave and she’ll head upstairs to perform some hearing tests on the baby.

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When she comes back downstairs, Dr. George (Mattilyn Rochester Kravitz) won’t have great news for the anxious moms. “The result suggests hearing loss connected to the auditory nerve, deep in the ear,” she’ll tell them. “But it’s a little early to make assumptions.” She’ll also say it’s treatable, but there’s no cure. They’ll ask if this happened because of something they did and the doctor will say the condition is likely genetic. However, their daughter will probably need hearing aids.

Y&R Scoop: Billy gets angry with Jack

At the Abbott estate, Tucker will walk in and tell Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) and Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) he knows they thought he was using Ashley. “But that’s not the case. She’s seeking peace and prosperity and I’m just along for the ride.” He’ll say he helped Ashley see that the war she was raging was unhealthy. Tucker will tell Jack that all this time he was worried about him, but the real threat was a little closer to home. And he’ll nod his head towards Billy.

“He was ready to sell you out for control of Jabot,” he’ll say, adding he saw the ambition in Billy’s eyes. He’ll also say Billy’s dislike for Diane is a lot deeper than he pretends. “The only backstabbing son of a bitch in this room is you,” Jack will tell him. When Tucker heads upstairs, Jack will tell Billy he’s lucky he trusts him, because Tucker made a hell of a case. “What exactly do you mean by that?” Billy will ask. He’ll tell Jack he’s not trying to steal Jabot from him. Jack will apologize but Billy will be offended and storm out. Later, Billy will see a voicemail from his brother and he’ll delete it.

Meanwhile, Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway) will ask her mother if maybe she should reconsider leaving Jabot behind her. “I can’t work at Jabot, not with Diane as part of the scenery,” she’ll reply. “It’s time for me to move on.” Then Diane will walk up behind them. “Thank God,” she’ll say. Ashley will ask if there’s something they can help her with. “Or are you just going to stand there and eavesdrop?”

Young And The Restless Scoop – Diane Didn’t Miss A Beat

As usual, they’ll start arguing and Abby will implore them to stop. But she’ll get a call from Devon and take off. Ashley will tell Diane she really is trying to move on from her toxicity. “And I couldn’t be…” she’ll say, and pop a grape in her mouth. Then she’ll stiffen and her eyes will widen and Diane will realize she’s choking. She’ll rush behind Ashley, perform the Heimlich maneuver and the piece of fruit will pop out of Ashley’s mouth.

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Afterwards, Ashley will marvel that Diane saved her life. Her nemesis will suggest Ashley go to the hospital, but she’ll refuse. Then she’ll offer to call someone but Ashley will say there’s no need. “You’re not driving and you’re not going anywhere without me,” Diane will insist, and she’ll take her sister-in-law to the GCAC.

“What the hell’s going on here?” Tucker will ask when he sees them walk in together. But Ashley will tell him she just wants to go upstairs. When Diane returns home, she’ll tell Jack his sister could have died. “Ashley could have died,” she’ll say. “And I saved her life.”

Finally, in their suite, Ashley will explain to Tucker that she choked on a grape and Diane did something amazing. “She didn’t miss a beat, she came up behind me.” He’ll ask if she’s okay and Ashley will say physically, she’s fine. But she’ll tell him she doesn’t know what to do with it mentally and emotionally. “The woman that I hate more than anyone on the planet just saved my life.”

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